I am totally hooked on energetics. I talk about it all the time. I analyse everything that occurs from an energetic perspective. But what am I really talking about? What is Energetics and how does it differ from Spirituality?
Whenever I speak about Energetics, people immediately think of Spirituality. Most people link the two for they are both mysterious and non-physical. And yet they are very, very different.
Spirituality exists in the physical world as the belief in a force greater than physical man. It refers to the mystical world beyond the material realm, and seems to be accessed from our human hearts and minds. It has form only in so far as humanity attributes a form to the beliefs it holds. It fits into a time frame only in so far as humanity provides the frame. It is a concept created from the thoughts of humankind, even though humanity believes it is referring to something that exists beyond the material realm. Spirituality exists in the third dimension and is created there.
Energetics on the other hand, exists in the third dimension and in the other dimensions. It exists independently of humankind. I refer to the 'energy' or vibrations of life moving at a wide range of speeds, through the universe. Energetics effects humankind, but is not caused by us. When there is no form, energy remains. In reality, it is all there is - the rest of our world is an illusion, comprised of vibrations that we, as a species, have agreed to condense into all of the so-called material forms of our lives.
Once we accept that everything is made up of moving waves of energy, coalesced into forms, shapes, ideas and beliefs, through consensus reality - the entire world changes. We become truly powerful co-creators of our reality, rather than the mere recipients of all that unfolds in our lives.
So, what happens to spirituality? We cling it to it as the last vestige of the old world, because it is more real, more physical, and more comfortable to us than this new, ever-changing world of vibrations and frequencies. It's no wonder that most everyone I speak to, shifts to the concept of spirituality. We can understand spirituality. It is a framework we know. It helps us wrap our minds around the mysteries of life. Energetics - now that is something totally different.
What would life be like if there was nothing but energy - no form, no time, no bodies, no tables, no things? Why is it relevant to even ask this question? I believe we are moving into such a world, a world that is more vibratory and less physical. A world in which we will still have our human bodies, but they will be lighter, less dense, with more spaces between the molecules, and comprised of faster and faster vibratory patterns. Beings like that have existed in our world in the past, and they exist now. They are often referred to as enlightened beings or masters. They are considered the exception, rather than the norm. We are now moving into a world where they may be the norm.
It is for that reason that I draw the distinction between Energetics and Spirituality - to alert you to the journey upon which we are all embarking. The vibrations of the earth are speeding up. The only way we, humankind, can continue to live on the earth, is to match our vibrations to hers as best we can. This process of adapting or allowing our vibrations to become resonant with the earth's new vibration is evolution.
Some may call this process enlightenment or ascension. I call it evolution -'energetic evolution'. It doesn't really matter what label is attributed to the shift. What is crucial is that you accept, not resist the changes. The universe is standing by to assist you, but cannot do so without your permission. Whether that help is in the form of spirit guides, ascended masters, the angelic realm, the archangels, Buddha, Mary, Jesus or your deceased relatives, open to them, and trust that whatever unfolds is perfect, and will lead to a better world.
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Elaine Seiler is an Author, Facilitator, and Coach, specializing in the field of Energetics. She is a conduit for other dimensional energy, thereby catalysing the transformation and evolution of everything in her field, and the awakening the innate gifts of multi-dimensionality in her associates and clients.
Visit her web site - http://www.transformationenergetics.com to sign up for her Free ENewsletter and to receive notification of the forthcoming launch of her groundbreaking new book on energetics and evolution.
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