To become mysterious, do interesting things, keep secrets and wear unique clothes. Learn to be mysterious with tips from professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips. Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn Contact: Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and He is also the author of 'Dynamic Dating' and 'Boomer Girls, a Women's Guide to Men and Dating.' Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz | From: expertvillage Views: 44572 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 99 ratings | |
Time: 01:37 | More in Howto & Style |
What is the point losing your personal worth at the expense of attain success? I do not know the key to success, but the key to failure is in trying to please everybody: So said Bill Cosby. "Self-respect is the basis of any quest and no one can make you feel useless unless you let them." Your personal worth is of more importance since it is the driving force of getting you to your destiny.
A good character is forged through hardship and inconvenience. After all, there are no shortcuts to any beautiful place. The moment one boldly welcomes challenges, it is the moment one boldly unlocks their success.
How can you expect to attain personal worth if you are not up for it? If you are not ready to go all the way then quit dreaming. Discipline entails making yourself do what you should do, when you should do it whether you like it or not. You may not realize it, but success involves going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm and more so self esteem.
With the right mindset no one and nothing should make you compromise your personal worth, self values and self respect. With this in mind, no challenge can be strong enough to bar you from reaching your destiny. Did you realize that the limit of your stubbornness is farther than the limit of the stubbornness of the problem? One important philosophy of life is that barricades will always tend to retreat as you approach, not the other way round.
To put it in a nutshell, act and act now if you intend to realize your full personal worth. Sir Francis Bacon's words could not have been more appropriate: "It is not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong, not what we earn but what we save that makes us rich; not what we read but what we remember that makes us learned; and not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity."
Read more motivational content and thus build your Personal worth.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
By: moneywise
Article Directory:
Stephen shares his wisdom and experience on achieving Personal Worth that will definitely add value to your life. Visit his Inspirational and Motivational Website at Self Improvement Tips and start living a more fulfilling lifestyle.
People tend to have the idea that their thoughts and dreams are simply thoughts and dreams. In the book, The Higher Self by Deepak Chopra, you'll find out that everything you want has the potential to exist in the here and now. All the spiritual needs you have in relation to compassion, love, acceptance, satisfaction, fulfillment, etc. do not have to wait. This comprehensive guide teaches how to get in touch with your "higher self" by making use of all of your thoughts, dreams, and desires.
The Higher Self by Deepak Chopra discusses how obstacles can sometimes get in the way of obtaining true happiness and reaching complete fulfillment. Fortunately, there isn't one obstacle that can prevent you from reaching your true potential and grasping hold to those distant thoughts and dreams right now. This guide teaches that you are the one who is in control of every aspect of your life. You don't need to wait on something to happen to obtain what is already yours. If you have thought it, you've already obtained it.
People often believe that they need to wait on another person's approval or a certain event to happen such as getting their paycheck at the end of the week or some other mundane event. All the while, time is wasting and life is still happening. People who are nothing but mere "dreamers" usually never get what they want because they consistently allow other circumstances to get in the way. After reading The Higher Self by Deepak Chopra, you'll quickly discover how you are the one who knows what is best for you. You don't need to seek anyone else to find out what it is you truly want out of life, what direction you're headed in, etc. because you are the one who is behind all of your motivations and desires.
By knowing this, people are able to master the ability to increase their own level of self-confidence and accomplish a much higher sense of self-worth. Once that accomplishment is made, achieving success (both material and emotional) comes naturally without effort. The book also talks about how you are the ultimate creator of your own destiny. Outside influences that seem to be in your way are only there because you have allow them to be.
A common way of thinking is that you can only achieve so much, or that your dreams are simply too "unreal" to come true. Maybe you're from a small town where no one really ever makes anything of themselves. It's possible that you've been led to believe that you have to hop on the wagon with everyone else an settle for less because you're not worth the success you're after. Reading The Higher Self by Deepak Chopra will encourage you to think outside the box and reach for possibilities unimaginable. If you want a good job, a good life, lots of money, and spiritual fulfillment, it's already yours. The only thing you have to do is reach out and obtain the thoughts and dreams you have imagined and transform them into concrete realities that you can feel and touch.
The Higher Self by Deepak Chopra has been written to help people realize who they are, why they are here, and what they want out of this life. Once all of those thoughts and dreams are realized, action can finally take place and the reality that you've been dreaming of can finally happen, right now.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The Higher Self by Deepak Chopra
Why does everyone else seem to get the promotion, the contract or even the job and not you? Is it possible that your diction is getting in the way? Speaking clearly today is now more important than ever because business has become global ? from the largest corporations to those who run their own business out of their homes.
Video and audio have made a huge difference in how we do business today and being understood the 1st time you say it may mean the difference between a raise, promotion or even a new job.
If you mumble, for example, others get tired of struggling to understand you. If you have a heavy accent, on the other hand, your colleagues or your boss may stop trying to `translate? your English.
There are even courses now being offered in India for workers who are dealing with an English-speaking population. The complaints from those with whom they were doing business have been staggering and India-based companies realize that their employees are not providing the services needed because of their diction.
When you consider what is involved in business negotiations, communication is at the top of the list. If all transactions were handled by means of the written word, there would be no problem. Today, however, with webinars, conference calls, and other audio/video services that companies are offering, the need to be understood is paramount.
If you know that your diction is holding you back, you might consider voice training. Not only will your diction improve dramatically but you will discover your `real? voice in the process. More mature-sounding and resonant in quality, your true voice will be much easier to understand because you will be articulating more clearly, speaking with enough volume, and able to control your speed.
Voice training is not intended to eliminate your accent, just clean it up. An accent is part of what makes you, you. I would never recommend anyone trying to eliminate it; but, I do urge others to speak so that they are understood completely.
This advice is also important for the soft-spoken and those who mumble. While English may be your mother tongue, if you are not being heard or understood because of either of those characteristics, then you need to make the change.
Your ability to communicate clearly and distinctly the 1st time you say it is more important than you may realize. Don?t let your lack of good diction stand in the way of your career advancement.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
By: The Voice Lady
Article Directory:
The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. If you would like to see a dramatic 'before & after' clip, visit Voice Dynamic and watch Craig's video in the center of the page.
Dealing with difficult people is never really difficult if you start by understanding and resolving your own internal triggered states. In this way you can have more empathy for others and facilitate truly remarkable conversations once you are a seasoned veteran at the "trigger recovery process."
People are not difficult; they are simply triggered. When triggered human beings engage in a wide array of irritating behaviors such as being angry, argumentative, self righteous, arrogant, sarcastic, withdrawn, sullen, abrupt - all of which are very difficult to deal with. As long as you have a mindset that someone is difficult they will be more difficult to deal with. (cite confirmation bias literature and self fulfilling prophecy stuff).
There are a lot great example of a companies that have acquired great team development results from seminars, the next will be the example. A mid-management team was highly dysfunctional before they started their monthly sessions together. Conflicts were the order of the day, and resolutions were few and far between. There were personality issues, territorial issues, and competition for resources. This team was a mess.
Experts had been warned about one particular member of the team who was particularly argumentative and closed-minded. From the get-go this individual could be counted on to spend a portion of each meeting in an adversarial relationship.
One day the seminar consultant realized that the relationship with this manager was no better than the relationships he was noticing they had with each other. He decided to shift his perspective about this particular individual. Instead of viewing his behavior as serving to undermine other people's objectives, he viewed what he was doing as actually being a contribution to helping other people openly discuss issues. Knowing that this individual would always "tell it like it is," He began calling on him to weigh in on an issue early in the meeting, which then primed the pump for other people to speak up about things that were bothering them. The consultant then started openly acknowledging this manager for his contributions to their team building efforts.
The consultant then spoke with his manager and encouraged his manager to coach him on how he could be even more effective at delivering his information so that others could hear him.
He genuinely shifted his view of Henry from being "difficult to deal with" to someone who had difficulty expressing his ideas with other people. This was an opportunity for him to help help this man who has a difficulty dealing with coworkers. Instead of having it become personal to the expert, he viewed him as having courage to speak up with some opportunity to be coached on how he could have a greater impact.
Within a couple of months this manager started showing up very differently at meetings. Whereas in the past he would rather abruptly express his opinions, he was now more patient and listened to people more. When he did speak up, there was a different tone in his voice, which enabled even more people to really hear some of his ideas.
This experience taught that "dealing with difficult people" begins with dealing with one's internal difficulties or the conflicts "one has within oneself." This man's behavior, although initially perceived as disruptive, was a function of him being triggered and not knowing any other way of communicating.
The transformation of the relationship with the troubled guy set the stage for other team members to transform their relationships with one another.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
Starquest LLC enhances the lives of others by reducing stress, working with them to improve their collaboration skills, strengthening their communication abilities and to boost their overall performance in work, at home and on the go. They also specialize in dealing with difficult people and help people discover strengths they don't know they possess or have yet to utilize in meaningful ways. Go to for more info!
Here's a money making idea - choose a figure that you know you can achieve.
If you make $5,000 a month, please don't aim to make an additional $5,000 because it's nothing "unique". So if you make $5,000 a month, aim for an additional $15,000. It should be something that you're comfortable with and you can celebrate as an achievement but not impractical. If you make $5,000 now and you aim to make $6,000, well that's nothing much to celebrate here, is there.
The most important you must do from the very beginning is to have the INTENTION to achieve your goal.
Then follow through to make it happen because if you don't set the intention, you will never do anything about it.
That sounds simple enough but what happens if you DID have the intention and took action and yet you still can't achieve your goal?
Ponder upon this…
Does success comes immediately? For some people it does and that's fantastic for them.
However, for most, success doesn't come in a week or a month. You have to continuously practice what you know about success and one day, results will start coming in. When you have that One Day Success, keep riding on that. Once they have "compounded", you will be successful.
There are definitely going to be obstacles in your path… plenty of them. And get this — everybody goes through the same thing.
That's why most people are unable to achieve success! When they don't see result, they thought that it's over but missed out knowing that the 'compound effect' hasn't even started yet. Most people, when they don't see results coming to them, they say to themselves that whatever they're doing aren't working so they go back to their normal lives. That's a waste.
Try to understand this clearly — If you don't take the first step TODAY and follow through, nothing will happen in 6 months or a year down the road. Absolutely nothing.
But if you start doing something NOW, you can start seeing results in the future and opportunity starts to present itself. You see, when you take action, something 'magical' happens — you're making opportunities available for you instead of waiting for it to come.
So how much do you want to make next month? An additional $10,000? If you set a strong intention that you really want this to happen, you will follow through to make sure that it happens. Maybe not in 30 days, maybe in 60 days? But hey, if you don't do it now, nothing will happen at all.
Do you remember the time when you first learned to drive a car?
You were totally lost when you first got behind the wheel. Maybe you still can't get it right at the second try either. But did you give up? You didn't, because you know that you will be able to overcome it and drive your car.
That's why you're able to drive your car today.
Think about your childhood when you first learned to crawl or learn English? Did you give up?
Did you say that English is too hard for you to understand so you're not going to learn it and you'll be fine? Of course not.
You've learned and that's why you can speak English now. That's why you are able to communicate in whatever language that you use right now.
You did not give up. You followed through with it. You had the strong intention to be able to speak English. You made sure that there's no way out or second option that allows you to live without learning this.
But when when it has to do with achieving success and creating wealth, people don't perservere like when they were learning to drive a car or learn another language.
Your mind work in ways that you cannot understand but it'll lead you to get what you want. So if you can focus on the things that you want to achieve, the kind of success that you want to have, you will follow through and experience success itself.
All you have to do is set the intention.
With that, you will attract Success to come to you. Well, it may not come to you as fast you're expecting but it will come to you eventually.
Which is better? Late or never?
Copyright (c) 2011 Patric Chan
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
Patric Chan is the founder of, a Web 2.0 personal improvement website where everyone can add their own articles and content on it for free. To learn how to achieve success, watch 2 of his best Success Formula Videos at
It was an ironical event of last decade, when some parts of earth were said to had been totally eclipsed from the lively light of "Sun ". People had lit house lights in the daytime. Every channel of the world started commenting second by second movements of the so-called eclipse. The leading magazines highlighted their covering pages with this unforgettable event and published the dark photos of the Sun. all were called it the "Solar eclipse".
But "Wattayo" one of my dearest fellows was crying on such a non-sense act, which was being done by our media and even by learned scientists. He said:" this is purely agony with the sun. I am going to protest against this worst usage of the fact". I told him " My dear Wattayo what the hell is going with you, why are you crying, what do you want?". " What I want?" he replied in very harsh tone "Do you call it a justice with the Sun? I will sue a petition against all such illiterate scientists". On my earnest request he clarified his philosophy about the eclipse.
He said the Sun is a luminous body of the sky. It always emits light and heat where as the moon, earth and other planets in the sky are non-luminous bodies. They do not emit light but reflect the Sunrays. According to his philosophy the lunar eclipse is a Right term because the earth comes in between the Sun and moon. There are two kinds of lunar eclipse one the chronic eclipse and the other one is acute eclipse. We always watch the chronic eclipse. But acute eclipse Happens rarely, to which we call a lunar eclipse. But in case of Sun! That term is a greatest fallacy; actually it is a global eclipse, the eclipse of earth. Because the earth is not receiving Sun Light, now moon stands between Sun & Earth, like as earth comes between them. And this game goes on year by year.
We are wrong because we blame on the Sun. this is misusage of words. Still we have not understood the philosophy of eclipse. Although it is very simple but if we want. Other wise this non-sense custom is going on and will be going on... We understand too that, there are two objects, is which one is sender and second is receiver. One is giving you and you are getting. Right now if one comes between you and your giver, the eclipse starts right on that time. Then you can't receive properly that thing which you're getting. What you are receiving that's another matter may be its money or mercy, thing or "Nothing" knowledge or wisdom etc, etc. I have read in "Quran", the holy Book of Islam. Abraham was instructed by God, to sacrifice his most beloved thing. Firstly Abraham thought about his lovely camels but God refused it and said " The most beloved!" and that beloved was his son, which he begot at the verge of his octogenarian-ship. Only the image of his beloved son "Samuel's" sacrifice had made him ailed.
Ultimately when Samuel, his son encouraged him then Abraham prepared himself and done his commitment. He had wrapped his eyes by a strip of cloth and put knife with shivering hands on the neck of Samuel. That is another thing that God protected miraculously and replaced a sheep instead of Samuel. What was that? Actually Samuel was standing between the God and prophet Abraham. And this situation became an eclipsed condition for Abraham. I have observed that 98% of Muslims do not understand this philosophy of sacrifice. They use to slaughter goats year by year at the event of sacred" Hajj" and they feel that this is a sacred sacrifice. Still they don't understand that God wants only that sacrificial thing which makes ecliptically condition between God and Man. In which man can't understand himself and is unable to receive enlightenment from God's mercy.
Now we have created a lot of enormous things between God and us. And due to those self made hurdles we can't receive our actual treasure, the "Wisdom" from God. Because it is God giving enlightenment. Right now we say: God is not, but we are. Like as when earth eclipsed we say it that is sun eclipsed. We have hanged ourselves upside down and in that condition we say all things are up side down. Only few in all can understand this fallacy and weeping like as "Wattayo" my very nearest fellow, on earth eclipse or human eclipse. It was an ironical event of last decade, when some parts of earth were said to had been totally eclipsed from the lively light of "Sun ". People had lit house lights in the daytime. Every channel of the world started commenting second by second movements of the so-called eclipse. The leading magazines highlighted their covering pages with this unforgettable event and published the dark photos of the Sun. all were called it the "Solar eclipse".
But "Wattayo" one of my dearest fellows was crying on such a non-sense act, which was being done by our media and even by learned scientists. He said:" this is purely agony with the sun. I am going to protest against this worst usage of the fact". I told him " My dear Wattayo what the hell is going with you, why are you crying, what do you want?". " What I want?" he replied in very harsh tone "Do you call it a justice with the Sun? I will sue a petition against all such illiterate scientists". On my earnest request he clarified his philosophy about the eclipse. He said the Sun is a luminous body of the sky. It always emits light and heat where as the moon, earth and other planets in the sky are non-luminous bodies. They do not emit light but reflect the Sunrays. According to his philosophy the lunar eclipse is a Right term because the earth comes in between the Sun and moon. There are two kinds of lunar eclipse one the chronic eclipse and the other one is acute eclipse.
We always watch the chronic eclipse. But acute eclipse Happens rarely, to which we call a lunar eclipse. But in case of Sun! That term is a greatest fallacy; actually it is a global eclipse, the eclipse of earth. Because the earth is not receiving Sun Light, now moon stands between Sun & Earth, like as earth comes between them. And this game goes on year by year. We are wrong because we blame on the Sun. this is misusage of words. Still we have not understood the philosophy of eclipse. Although it is very simple but if we want. Other wise this non-sense custom is going on and will be going on... We understand too that, there are two objects, is which one is sender and second is receiver. One is giving you and you are getting. Right now if one comes between you and your giver, the eclipse starts right on that time.
Then you can't receive properly that thing which you're getting. What you are receiving that's another matter may be its money or mercy, thing or "Nothing" knowledge or wisdom etc, etc. I have read in "Quran", the holy Book of Islam. Abraham was instructed by God, to sacrifice his most beloved thing. Firstly Abraham thought about his lovely camels but God refused it and said " The most beloved!" and that beloved was his son, which he begot at the verge of his octogenarian-ship. Only the image of his beloved son "Samuel's" sacrifice had made him ailed. Ultimately when Samuel, his son encouraged him then Abraham prepared himself and done his commitment. He had wrapped his eyes by a strip of cloth and put knife with shivering hands on the neck of Samuel. That is another thing that God protected miraculously and replaced a sheep instead of Samuel. What was that? Actually Samuel was standing between the God and prophet Abraham. And this situation became an eclipsed condition for Abraham.
I have observed that 98% of Muslims do not understand this philosophy of sacrifice. They use to slaughter goats year by year at the event of sacred" Hajj" and they feel that this is a sacred sacrifice. Still they don't understand that God wants only that sacrificial thing which makes ecliptically condition between God and Man. In which man can't understand himself and is unable to receive enlightenment from God's mercy. Now we have created a lot of enormous things between God and us. And due to those self made hurdles we can't receive our actual treasure, the "Wisdom" from God. Because it is God giving enlightenment. Right now we say: God is not, but we are. Like as when earth eclipsed we say it that is sun eclipsed. We have hanged ourselves upside down and in that condition we say all things are up side down. Only few in all can understand this fallacy and weeping like as "Wattayo" my very nearest fellow, on earth eclipse or human eclipse.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
Amar Fayaz
When applying for different jobs or careers it can be a very difficult process. That is, unless, you have the right guidance, mentoring and coaching. To begin with, when completing any job application form it is vital that you make the effort to match the key assessable qualities and attributes. These can usually be found within the job description.
So, for example, if one of the assessable qualities is that of 'customer service' it is very important that you provide examples on your application form where you have provided exceptional customer service at least once in a previous job or role. Once you have passes the application form stage you will then normally be invited to attend an assessment centre. Here, you will be required to undergo some form of psychometric test. These can vary from numerical reasoning tests through to general aptitude tests. Most assessors will be looking for speed and accuracy, so it is important that you spend plenty of time practicing lots of test questions in the build up to your assessment. Finally, you will be required to attend an interview.
During the interview you will be further assessed against the key qualities and attributes required for the post. Have at least two examples for each assessable quality. This will ensure that you can provide the employee with no doubt whatsoever that you do have the right experiences and qualities to perform exceptionally in the role. So, for example, if they ask you during the interview to provide you with examples of where you worked effectively as part of a team (this is common), then try to have at least two examples of where you have achieved this. Another great way to impress your future employer is to provide them with details of previous awards or qualifications that are relative to the role you are applying for.
There is a very good reason for this. It basically tells the employer that you have a track record for achievement. If you have a track record for achievement then you are far more likely to be a successful employee and fulfill all of the necessary requirements that the employer is looking for. Success at a job application process or assessment centre is not down to luck; it is down to deliberate preparation and providing the employer with examples of where you can match their requirements.
If you do that, then your chances of success will sky rocket.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
How to be anything that you want to. Teaching you how to become any job or career.
You might wonder that why looking into the mirror is being discussed in this article. Mirrors make a major part of home. From vanity mirrors to living room, the homemakers are using the mirrors in almost every capacity. For this reason, these are available in different shapes and sizes. Along with this, the mirrors placement in corrected manner is also very important. When it comes to looking into the it, your mirror placement plays a major role.
This is something you look into from time to time in a day. Especially when it comes to going for a party or get dressed and accessories, mirror plays an important role in developing the opinion. So the placement of this must be accurate in terms of lighting and location in order to rightly see the full appearance of you in the mirror. Most important factor to consider when you look into the mirror is lighting. If you have a room with tall windows, you must not place the mirror exact opposite to the windows. With light coming from the windows on to your mirror, you wouldn't be able to see yourself clearly as the light with reflect back on your face.
In case you want to apply the vanity mirror in your washroom, make sure that proper lighting is there. The lighting should be fixed on top and middle of the mirror. Those falling lights will directly make your face clearer and you would be able to see yourself clearly in mirror.
Do not place the mirror with light coming from a window from side and no light from the other side. You will be able to see only half of your face clearly and rest would have a different impression. In order to correctly look yourself in mirror, placing it with correct lighting is the most important aspect.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
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Why does everyone else seem to get the promotion, the contract or even the job and not you? Is it possible that your diction is getting in the way? Speaking clearly today is now more important than ever because business has become global ? from the largest corporations to those who run their own business out of their homes.
Video and audio have made a huge difference in how we do business today and being understood the 1st time you say it may mean the difference between a raise, promotion or even a new job.
If you mumble, for example, others get tired of struggling to understand you. If you have a heavy accent, on the other hand, your colleagues or your boss may stop trying to `translate? your English.
There are even courses now being offered in India for workers who are dealing with an English-speaking population. The complaints from those with whom they were doing business have been staggering and India-based companies realize that their employees are not providing the services needed because of their diction.
When you consider what is involved in business negotiations, communication is at the top of the list. If all transactions were handled by means of the written word, there would be no problem. Today, however, with webinars, conference calls, and other audio/video services that companies are offering, the need to be understood is paramount.
If you know that your diction is holding you back, you might consider voice training. Not only will your diction improve dramatically but you will discover your `real? voice in the process. More mature-sounding and resonant in quality, your true voice will be much easier to understand because you will be articulating more clearly, speaking with enough volume, and able to control your speed.
Voice training is not intended to eliminate your accent, just clean it up. An accent is part of what makes you, you. I would never recommend anyone trying to eliminate it; but, I do urge others to speak so that they are understood completely.
This advice is also important for the soft-spoken and those who mumble. While English may be your mother tongue, if you are not being heard or understood because of either of those characteristics, then you need to make the change.
Your ability to communicate clearly and distinctly the 1st time you say it is more important than you may realize. Don?t let your lack of good diction stand in the way of your career advancement.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
By: The Voice Lady
Article Directory:
The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. If you would like to see a dramatic 'before & after' clip, visit Voice Dynamic and watch Craig's video in the center of the page.
Pleasing yourself requires the development of a system of personal rewards. Discover how to please yourself with tips from professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips. Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn Contact: Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and He is also the author of 'Dynamic Dating' and 'Boomer Girls, a Women's Guide to Men and Dating.' Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz | From: expertvillage Views: 7344 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 17 ratings | |
Time: 02:15 | More in Howto & Style |
With the advent of Blackberries and iPads, time wastage has increased. It is true that these gadgets have made life easier for many. Now everything is within people's reach. However, I find that if you can do a lot with a thing. You would want to do exactly that. You will use it more. It will be used to the point where it will become a burden on your energy resources.
Being busy is not everything. One could be busy idle talking with a friend. Being productive is all that matters. We should be focused and not allow anything break our concentration for long.
If you find yourself extremely busy, then you need to learn to concentrate. Focus is about what you do not do as compared to what you do. You can easily achieve focus by removing all the distractions that come your way.
It is all about identifying the task that needs your prime attention, and then concentrating on it only. Many people are hell busy but they do not produce much.
Many people make the excuse of being really busy in order to evade their responsibilities. They know the art of looking busy. However, this gets them no where. They need to make priority list.
Bear in mind, that the priorities should be defined not in terms of what you like to engage in. you need to do prioritize things that help you become successful and productive. There is an old 80/20 rule that suggests that with 20 percent effort, you can achieve get 80 percent work done.
You might be wondering as to what this 20 percent really is. How can you focus and put all your mind and effort into it? How can you not let anything distract you?
In conclusion, suffice it to say that it is not about doing more and being really busy. It is about smart work. Focus on things that can get you where you want to. You should never let any distractions get into your way towards success because at the end of the day the sense of achievement both personal and professional is what counts.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
Minimize the Earth's waste by using the brown paper bags. Worry no more for diaper leaks, use the Pampers Cruisers diapers for kids.
If you want to effectively learn how to attract money using the Law of Attraction, you've got to go deeper than just doing affirmations and "thinking positive." This articles tells you a rare secret for using the Law of Attraction to attract money which gets you to the heart of attraction without a lot of work.
What you must do when using the Law of Attraction is to learn how to manifest money through "unseen" or "unconscious" means, which are found at deeper levels than your conscious mind.
How deep do I mean? I mean going straight to your subconscious mind and addressing all the negative beliefs you have around money. Now, many people such as yourself hear this and say, "Gee, I don't think I have any negative beliefs around money, so this doesn't apply to me," or say, "But I'm doing money affirmations to change my subconscious mind, so this doesn't apply to me, either," right? Wrong! If you've been living in today's modern society, you most likely have absorbed many negative beliefs about money that are working straight against all those money affirmations you're doing when using the Law of Attraction for money goals.
These "unseen and unheard" money beliefs are lurking in the background of your mind and discrediting all that "positive thinking" you're trying to "shove down its throat." Your subconscious mind doesn't really like to change that much, as well as it has a "gatekeeper" (your conscious mind) to keep out all those radical thoughts that go against the grain of your subconscious. And it is your subconscious that is consistently putting out an energetic signal about money (either good or bad) to which the Law of Attraction can't help but respond.
So, what you want to do is teach your subconscious mind how to attract money and you may already be trying to do this by reciting money affirmations. Now, I will admit that money affirmations do eventually work, but they take huge amounts of continual effort to get them past your conscious mind's resistance.
A better way to teach your subconscious mind how to attract money is to use something called silent subliminals that go straight past your conscious mind to get directly absorbed by your subconscious mind because the "gatekeeper" (your conscious mind) can't hear the affirmations, so they don't get discredited. This takes off a huge layer of resistance to your affirmations.
But, even if you use the silent subliminals, you still must use "targeted subliminals" that address many of today's negative money beliefs in a safe and gentle fashion. Why? Because, again, no matter how many money affirmations you do for a "large sum of money," if one of your "negative social beliefs around money" is that people with money are bad and greedy, then you're not going to get that large sum of money because you don't want to be a "bad, greedy" person. So, your ship is sunk before it even gets afloat, and the sad part about this is that most people don't even know their ship has a hole in it! Why? Because most people are not aware of the negative social beliefs they've picked up from society. That's why it's important to find and use affirmations that address these beliefs and gently "coax" your subconscious into feeling good around having money.
Once you know how to attract money by addressing your specific subconscious barriers to having money, you're set up to use the Law of Attraction for money successfully because then your mind goes on "auto pilot" and simply works to attract money. It knows how to manifest money even when you're sleeping because it's sending out an energetic signal that "money is good" and that "you are deserving" and the Law of Attraction has no choice but to respond because the Law of Attraction is all about energy. This is the easiest and most effective way to learn how to attract money using the Law of Attraction.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
By: Suzanne Glover
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To learn more about finding "targeted subliminals that address many of today's negative money beliefs, watch Suzanne's free video in her How to Attract Money Using Subliminals article. Suzanne also gives more free tips and advice at
What does a pendulum do?
The pendulum, powered by barely discernible unconscious physical movements, gives you visible information from your unconscious. This is immensely valuable. Your unconscious is extremely knowledgeable and has a lot of information that you don't have direct conscious access to. But your unconscious doesn't know everything, and it won't tell you everything it knows. In addition, it's not some homunculus that can be your companion or adviser.
Your unconscious is part of your body; it has intelligence and knowledge but, contrary to what is generally thought, it's not a mind. It doesn't think. It's not easy to describe because there's no model for it. But if you think - as some people apparently do - that it's some kind of super intelligence, you're going to be disappointed with the results you get from using the pendulum.
The pendulum (that is, your unconscious) will give a (yes or no) answer to any question you pose: the lottery numbers; the date of your death; how many lives you've had; the size of the universe. But this doesn't mean the answers are true. Your unconscious, through the pendulum, will give you accurate, reliable and valuable responses, in response to the right questions. If you ask the wrong questions, you'll get phoney answers and you'll quickly become disillusioned.
By asking the right questions, you'll have a fantastic resource for life that will help you to identify and resolve your problems.
So what are the right and wrong questions?
Wrong questions
First, the wrong questions. Don't ask the pendulum to confirm, refute or provide historical facts. If you ask about historical facts you will get answers, but they won't be reliable.
Sometimes it won't want you to know consciously, so won't tell you. At other times, it won't know the answer. If the event in question was some time ago and you can't remember it, it's likely that your body doesn't want you to know. If you were too young to remember, your body may not know or be able to understand the historical details. The pendulum's answers to questions about such events are likely to be false. In any case, you won't know whether or not they are true.
Asking these questions may cause unnecessary and unwarranted distress. So: don't ask the pendulum to give you facts.
Second, generally speaking, don't ask the pendulum more than once. A client once told me that she kept asking the same question until the pendulum gave her the answer she wanted. That's just daft. Don't waste your time; your unconscious body doesn't like it. Trust the answer it gives you to an acceptable question. If you get a nonsensical answer, you probably shouldn't have asked the question.
Third, don't attempt to rely on the pendulum to tell you what to do. Your behaviour is in the control of your conscious mind. That's how it should be. Don't attempt to abdicate responsibility for your actions. Whatever choices you make, make them consciously. So don't ask the pendulum which course of action to take or what to do in any situation.
Good questions
Using the pendulum to identify and resolve your therapeutic issues is one of the best ways your pendulum can help you..
Your body may not know facts or may not want to reveal them, but it does know subjectively what the problem is, where it came from, and how you can resolve them.
The first question to ask, when you have any doubts, is whether you have permission for what you're about to do with the pendulum. If the pendulum says you don't have permission, don't go there. Or find out what you need to do first.
You also need to be very careful about how you word questions. You can't get a clear answer to a vaguely worded question. Providing you're not asking a fact-based question, and you have permission from your body via the pendulum to ask the question, then questions that relate to your health and wellbeing your body will be very pleased to answer accurately and reliably.
It's fine to ask whether changing your diet (or any other practice) will help the health of your heart (or any other organ); and then to find out which foods you should and shouldn't be eating (or other practice you should or shouldn't be doing). It's not a good idea to ask if your heart (or other organ) is diseased (for example). Not only could you find the answer distressing, but you wouldn't even know what the answer really means.
Providing you get permission for your enquiry, it's likely that your enquiry is permissible. It's also fine to ask whether there's a trauma at your birth (or at any other time), to establish the nature of the problem and then find out the best way to resolve it. It's not helpful and would not be reliable to try to find out historical factual details.
Other great uses of the pendulum
There are very many. Here are some suggestions:
- What foods would be best for you now
- What foods to avoid
- What substances you're allergic or sensitive to
- What exercises would help you (in particular with regard to recovery from injuries)
- Which emotions you're denying
- Whether you're drinking enough water for optimum health
- What your stressors are and their degree of stress
- How stressed you are
- What choices will reduce stress and improve health
Kinesiology & the pendulum
Be careful that you don't get the result that you desire from the pendulum rather than the result that your body wants to give you. Avoid having an answer in mind. Many users of the pendulum find this to be a particular problem: that the pendulum tells them the answer they want to get.
If your use of the pendulum is consistent with the suggestions made here, you're much more likely to get consistent and reliable results. Perhaps one of the most valuable consequences of using the pendulum is getting in touch with your body and your intuition, and learning to trust it. Your body knows what's best for your health and happiness. The exigencies of modern life can radically disconnect us from the body and its wisdom. The more in contact with your body you are, the happier and healthier you will be. The pendulum is a great way of re-establishing this contact.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
I'm a therapist, coach & trainer practising in Leamington Spa, by telephone and online, and author of The Therapist Within You: a Handbook of Kinesiology Self-therapy with the Pendulum (Lemniscate, 2009), which develops many of the themes of this article.
For more information please visit my website:
I welcome your comments on this article.
Many people find that the choice of a counsellor is a very personal thing and therefore it is not always worth while trying to find out about them. If you have a personal recommendation from a friend or have read a good review, it may not be relevant here.
This is because the most important thing about choosing an counsellor is being able to find someone that you feel you can open up to. If your friend has found a certain counsellor good, it may not mean that they will be good for you. The same applies for a review.
The reason for this is that we all have different needs to be fulfilled form someone we want to confide in. From something a simple as feeling more comfortable with perhaps a man rather than a woman, to wanting that person to have an understanding face or to approach us in a particular manner. It can even be hard to know what you require until you actually have a counsellor and even then it may be something you just cannot put your finger on.
Just be prepared to try out several counsellors, as this may be the best way to pick the perfect one. However, do not get too worried, because most counsellors are good at their job and should make you feel at ease and ready to open up to them.
So if you are trying to pick a counsellor, it might be best to just try a few out and this will let you find out what they are like and whether you find them to be suitable for your needs.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
Feeling stressed,worried, anxious down or low? Then try Miranda Barlow for a Counselling service to help.
The winter months are often a terribly depressing time for Canadians. The lack of sunshine alone can lead to decreased energy levels, a loss of interest in daily activities and the need for additional sleep.
But what if you're still feeling depressed once spring arrives and the warm weather and sunshine beckons you outdoors?
Although we may casually refer to "feeling depressed" during a momentary unhappy time in our life, individuals who suffer from prolonged depression feel sad and empty to the point that their feelings impair their day-to-day activities and interactions with other people.
In 2002, Statistics Canada reported that approximately 8% of adult Canadians experience a major depression at some point in their lives. Depression and anxiety continues to be Canada's fastest-rising diagnosis. From 1994 to 2004, the number of visits made by Canadians to office-based doctors for depression and anxiety almost doubled-a staggering 11.6 million people in 2003.
And while medication may be necessary in cases of clinical depression, it needn't be your first line of defense if your altered mood is a result of a variety of negative experiences you've suffered in your day-to-day life and you find yourself in a downward spiral.
Sure, if you're looking for a quick fix, antidepressants may work in the short term. But if you'd like to make a significant long-lasting change in your life, you have to be willing to make a significant long-lasting change in you the way you think- changing negative thought patterns into positive ones.
It's been my observation that depression and low self-esteem go hand-in-hand. People with high self esteem feel confident about themselves and have positive thought patterns; whereas those who suffer from low self esteem often experience feelings of shame, guilt or self-doubt-negative thought patterns.
Most of my clients come to me at a time of depression. They've felt lost, lonely, abandoned and neglected for most of their life. As a life coach, I believe in self-awareness and emotional intelligence. What does this have to do with depression? Well, before you can change your negative thought patterns, you need to learn who you are. To do this, I work with each of my clients and explore their behaviours-both positive and negative. Through this process we learn who they are: their values, strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. And then we use that information to set goals.
One depression-fighting strategy I encourage my clients to adopt is a regular exercise routine. Medically proven to boost your mood and lower rates of depression, exercise removes the buildup of stress hormones in the body, allowing you to sleep and concentrate better. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins, or feel-good chemicals, and leaves you feeling happier even after you've stopped. And with more oxygen flowing through your red blood cells, you become more receptive to new ideas and ready to take on more challenges.
In addition, maintaining a regular exercise routine provides a structure and focus in your life as you set and meet new goals. The accomplishment of these goals-no matter how big or how small-leads to a sense of achievement and improved self-confidence and self-esteem.
Using exercise as a way to combat depression is not a new strategy, nor is it the only method you'll need to employ in your journey to better mental health. But making exercise a priority in your life will bring you one step closer to the ultimate goal of a healthy mind, body and soul.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
Learn to overcome negative thought patterns using exercise. Visit Bruno LoGreco master life coach author and motivational speaker today to start feeling better tomorrow.
Your life is a holographic reflection of your experiences from our first breath to the present. Many people believe we are a holographic reflection of experiences beginning from the source until the present.
When you examine your feelings about something you might notice that the feeling you have is based on family patterns. If you trace your feelings back to its source, you might find that one of your parents reacted/responded with the feeling that you are exhibiting. For example, your mother or father might have had an intense fear of lack of money, stemming from their life experiences. If that fear was not resolved, chances are you carried it into your life. Meanwhile, you may have no actual experience of lacking money, so being fearful does not make sense, and now the fear of lacking money blocks you from doing certain things that you want to do.
Keep in mind that your parents managed their lives and yours to the best of their ability. There was no intent to pass negative beliefs about money. Yet, that is what transpired. However, you can change it when you discover you have carried fear of lacking money into your life.
You can not resolve anyone's fear for them, but you can decide to let go of it on your behalf. Whether your parents are alive or not, it is best to complete a symbolic 'letting go' of any fears that belong to them.
An easy 'letting go,' exercise is simple. Visualize inviting your parents to sit across from you in a room and share your desire to move on from the fear. Tell them that you know that they did their best with no intent to instill fear or harm you in any way. Then, forgive them from your heart. You might be surprised at how easy this exercise is.
Doing deep inner work with your fears will serve you well for yourself and for your children; if you currently have children or when you have children. If you have already seen the effects of your fears within your children, remember any changes you make now will be passed down to them. Either way, the effects will be felt, because once you break your ties of fears from the past, your children's ties to those fears are greatly weakened. It is important to remember that is it never too late to have a new beginning.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings.
Can One Person Make a Difference?
Do you know how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly? The process of changes from crawling creature to graceful wonder is an excellent metaphor to reflect upon. The answer is simple, and yet profound: caterpillars become butterflies through the effort of but a handful of determined cells.
Here's how it happens: when the time for metamorphosis arrives, caterpillars develop what are called "imaginal cells." Imaginal cells represent the more advanced version of the caterpillars body -- that of a butterfly's. I guess you can say that the imaginal cells are those with the dream; the cells that want something more for the caterpillar, something better. However, in the beginning, the caterpillars immune system would consider the imaginal cells as the enemy -- foreign bodies -- and will attempt to destroy them. Some of the imaginal cells will die,but others will survive. And those that survive will transform the old caterpillar cells one by one, until they develop a critical mass and become so strong, the caterpillar's body will have to give in! And he'll be glad he did!
Amazing, isn't it? So, can one person make a difference? The answer is a resounding "yes!"
Transforming the world seems like an impossible task at first. It's far easier to say there's nothing we can do, that age-old systems are way stronger, that the battle is lost even before it's begun. But what we need to do, when reflecting on the question "can one person make a difference?" is think like the caterpillar's imaginal cells. When we aim for progress, we'll lose some battles and we'll win others. But if we're persistent enough, we'll attract like-minded individuals, and become powerful enough to make an impact in the world.
Everything can start with one voice, right?
Would you like to start making a difference in the world today? You don't need to solve third world hunger or jumpstart world peace overnight. In effortless ways you can show the world how it's done. The following are 7 simple ways you can change the world from where you sit:
Appreciate one person a day. You'll be surprised how much a sincere compliment can transform another person's day! Your little boy might be nursing a rejection from his crush, but a kind word from you may encourage him to try again. Your favorite waitress may be ready to buckle from life's pressures, but a "thank you" may just make her hang on. Appreciation is cheap; you won't even have to take out your wallet to give one!
Never drink and drive. Do you know that around 60,000 people a year die from alcohol-related motor accidents? While it takes pride to admit that you're too drunk to take the wheel, your insight can save another person's life and another family's grief. Can one person make a difference by not driving when intoxicated? YES. By being conscientious with the simple choices that we make, we can cut down the tragedies that happen to people on a daily basis.
Bring a bag when you shop. We only have one earth, and it's time we take care of it! So instead of adding in to the tons of plastic garbage that will take millions of years to degrade, do your bit for the environment. Bring a recyclable bag whenever you get groceries. And if you can convince your neighbors to do the same, the Mother Nature will surely be grateful.
Donate your excess to a homeless shelter. Do you have extra clothing just gathering dust in your closet? Or perhaps you overstocked on goods and food products? It's a crime to hoard when so many people are doing without. Take time to give of what you can to charity. What may be clutter to you is a lifeline to others.
Deal with clients ethically.When the economy is headed south, it's tempting to engage in shaky business tactics. You may water down your products to cut cost, circumvent safety regulations that you need to follow,or use dishonest methods to sell that used car. Don't! It's when budgets are tight that we need more people who create value without selling out! What goes around comes around. Businessmen when asked "can one person make a difference?" know that an ounce of ethics can go a long, long way.
Share a story of resilience. The world needs more people who can teach about life -- something even the internet can't teach! If you know someone in bad need of quality advice -- say, a rebellious teen in your neighborhood or a co-worker in the throes of depression, take time to share what you know. Don't worry too much about saying the right thing -- if you're sincere in our desire to help, it will come across.
Tell an enemy that you forgive them. Lastly, if you want to make a difference in another person's life, do what you can to give them closure. We may be victims of an offense or abuse, but it doesn't mean we can't be generous and offer our victimizers the opportunity to move on. They may not appreciate it at first, but who knows: your forgiveness may be just what they're waiting for so that they can get on with their life.
In conclusion, can one person make a difference? Yes. Through one determined effort at a time!
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
Tandelyn A. Weaver is the president of The Power of Positive Action, LLC. A certified life coach, Tandelyn provides free advice on the "7 Strategies Women Entrepreneurs Must Have for Success, Wealth and Personal Freedom" through her website Discover more of Tandelyn's insights about business and life by visiting today.
Strippers, exotic dancers, whatever you call them have often been the subject of ridicule and sarcasm. Despite the fact that our society has become more liberal in many ways, most people's views about strippers and the adult entertainment industry have never changed. The assumption that "women taking off their clothes for money are cheap and don't deserve respect" has never changed through the years.
As with other types of businesses, there are good and bad clubs. Bad clubs are those that allow prostitution and the use of drugs among the girls and customers. Good kinds of clubs are secure. The safety of the girls is ensured. There are lots of security personnel to make sure that the dancers are not harassed and that rules of the clubs are followed. If you are planning to become a stripper, look for these kinds of clubs. Ask around or make an online research about the club you want to work at.
Before making a hasty decision, you must know your motivation on becoming a stripper. Most stripping job pays well. It can help you with any long-term plan you have in mind. It pays the bills. It can support a college education. Whatever reason you have, never forget that stripping is something that you're doing for a good cause. If you know your motivation and focus on this, you will never go astray.
Never give the customers any reason to harass you. Believe it or not, most customers going to nightclubs have the same mindset about strippers - that all they care about is money that is why they take off their clothes and flirt with customers. Show your customers that you deserve their respect. Never get drunk while entertaining customers. Never do drugs. When you feel that your customer is already taking advantage of you, call the attention of the bouncers or any security personnel in the club.
Always remember that stripping is a job and not a way of life. Earning money from stripping should not make you less of a person who deserves to be respected. Hold on to your values no matter how challenging your job is.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
Liza A. works as Marketing Assistant for Busama Group which owns and operates a FREE service for Exotic Dancer and Hostess jobs. We post industry talk on
Bookings are provided for girls into clubs all over the world and the company is always looking to expand their network of friends and business partners.
This year is the year for making decisions and sticking to them. What decisions will you make for yourself and your family? Have a happy year full of action!
Welcome to 2011! I can't believe how fast the time goes and how many moments and experiences we have encountered with the twins. Every day there is something new to see or learn or do.
This year I have decided to make new year's decisions instead of resolutions. The phrase New Years Resolution sounds great but for some reason never lasts. After a couple days or weeks, they are long forgotten and we are back to our old ways and habits. I am not interested in the short term idea, I am ready to make some hard core decisions that will not only be positive but last for years to come.
I have decided this is the year I am going to finally lose the extra unwanted weight I have. And I have also decided to help and serve you by sharing my everyday life experiences with the twins. WOW! That seems like two big decisions! But what is a decision anyway? defines decision as the act of or need for making up one's mind. Which is exactly what I am doing, making up my mind and taking action to see it through.
When we decided to start our family, it wasn't an easy process. We spent several months hoping it would all work out and after disappointment and unsuccessful tries, we decided a different plan of attack was needed. We decided to see a fertility specialist and seek an experts help in our family planning. We knew we wanted a family so we did something about it - we acted on it and didn't just hope we could do it on our own. I will say it wasn't a bed of roses either but, we took action and were able to say we did everything we could to make it happen - and it ultimately did.
So, ask yourself, what are your 2011 New Years decisions? What actions are you going to take to get there? Do you want to lose weight? Make more money? Go on a family vacation? Whatever they are, you can absolutely achieve them by taking action and doing something about it.
Whatever your New Years Decisions are, we want you to succeed. We want you to have the best year yet.
Happy New Year!
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
Kristen is a stay at home mom with three year old twins. Prior to having her twins, she was a kindergarten teacher and knows the importance of making learning fun. She is sharing her everyday life of raising twins with the twin community. Lets connect at
Are you running on empty? Going through day after day of what feels like meaningless activities that take up all your time and energy? Everywhere you look there is a fire that needs to be put out? One demand after another from others? Do you feel that you have lost the real you? Is your life full of "should" and "have tos"?
Check out yourself talk and your underlying belief system. If something goes wrong, do you automatically tell yourself you are to blame? Do you tell yourself you are homely, stupid, fat, or whatever negative description comes into your mind at the moment? Do you believe you are not smart enough, deserving enough or good enough for the "good things" in life? Do you tell yourself and others how tired you are, how nothing is working out, how everyone treats you badly, how life is not fair, how stressed you are? If you do make a mistake, do you brood on how awful you were? Do you assume the worse from any circumstance?
Do you frequently compare yourself to others and always come out lacking?
Look carefully at your relationships or lack of relationships. Do you have family and friends you supply you with unconditional respect and love? Or do you live your life fearing disapproval from those close to you? Are you lonely and believe that you are never going to find that "soul mate" that will make your life happy? Do you believe that you need someone or something else to make you happy? Are you a people pleaser or are you able to be who you truly are?
Is your home environment cluttered and messy instead of orderly and serene? Does your "To Do" list have so many unfinished projects on it that you'll never complete them all even if you live to be 150? Or do you operate without a "To Do" list and have commitments stored in your brain where they are often forgotten which causes even more stress for you? Are you plagued by financial problems?
OK. Enough of this doom and gloom! It is time to take personal responsibility for your life at this minute. Your choices and the resulting actions you have made in the past have created your life the way it is today. Only by changing your choices and actions can you create a different life tomorrow. You do HAVE THE POWER to create the life of your dreams- just plan your choices instead of continuing to follow the path of least resistance. Stop reacting to life and proactively go after the life of YOUR dreams. Decide today that you are going to start using your time in more meaningful ways that make a difference in your life. Decide that you will stop blaming outside influences and take 100% responsibility for how you are living your life.
To begin creating a LIFE REINVENTION or LIFE MAKEOVER: do some self discovery exercises and determine what your most important values are. Family, career, a passion for art, having security in the form of lots of money, being given the respect of others, being honest and caring- what are your personal values? You can find lists of 100s of potential values to choose from by browsing on the web. Daydream about what activities would create your ideal day. Just remember that you cannot design your dream life until you understand what you truly value and what is most important to you in life.
Do a life inventory in the areas of self, family, friends, career, hobbies, finances, spiritual activities, health, entertainment, and your home/environment. Feel free to add other areas of your life to this inventory list. In your life inventory determine all the things that are right with your life (you are able to walk and talk, right) and what things need change or improvement. The amount of change and improvement you can achieve is directly related to the amount of effort and commitment (maybe even some sacrifice) you are willing to put forth. Accept that there are no shortcuts, no magic pill or "secret" to achieving your dreams.
Make a list of what you need for your dream life. Do you need to improve current relationships or find new relationships? Are you looking for a specific type of person that would be your "soul mate"? Will you need to change careers or improve where you are in your current career. Do you need to learn better financial management? Are their new skills you need to learn? Do you need to pay off debts? Do you want to look for your dream house? Along with each thing on your list for your dream life, determine what you need to achieve it. To attract a certain type of person you need to become the kind of a person they would be attracted to. To improve your current relationships you might need to read some books on relationships, see a marriage counselor or other therapist or a life or relationship coach. For a different career you might need more education. For your dream house you might need to save some money for a down payment. You get the idea.
You MUST write all this out. Trying to keep it all in your head will not work. If you're not willing to take the time to write your plan out, you must not want it very badly. You cannot change everything at once. So choose one area that you feel will make the biggest difference in your life and start with that. Start with the final result and write that as your goal. For instance- I will climb the corporate ladder from stock boy to assistant manager in one year. Then make a list of the steps that will take you from where you are now to your goal. You may have to do some research or get some help to determine exactly what you need to know. You may have to learn some new skills along the way. Keep your plan open to revision, most goal setting plans need to be revised one you start your action plan. As you move along your plan make note of what seems to be working and what is now so that you can do more of what IS working and less of what IS NOT working. You must write all this down for it to make sense. When we write something down, both our intuitive and creative right brain along with our logical Dr. Spock left brain.
As you begin working your plan, you may find obstacles in the form of negative reactions from other people or even from your own fears. You must work on controlling negative self talk, emotions and thoughts. The Law of Attraction says that whatever you believe and think about will happen. So think positive thoughts and turn off the negative thoughts. Find someone, maybe a friend or a life coach, to help keep your motivation high. When obstacles occur, tell yourself they are temporary and ask yourself what lessons you can learn from them. Understand that you will never be finished with your life makeover because each time you successfully make one change to improve your life it will be time to begin making another change.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? You are welcome to reprint my article on your web site, your newsletter or a message board. Just please include this information-?2010 Sharon Ball, Life and Wellness Coach. Get your free report Begin Reinventing Yourself Today at:
This self help technique from developed by Dr Jimmy Scott is a simple and very powerful tool for boosting the levels of energy in the meridians and the body. It can be used to create a balanced energy flow through the whole BioEnergy system. With regular repeated use the whole set of exercises can be done in under 5 minutes and repeated through the day should the need arise. Keeping in contact with the body as we do the exercises helps generate the necessary kinaesthetic sensation to boost the meridian energy to a much higher level. This excess energy can be stored by the body and used throughout the day. A set practised in the morning will keep you going throughout the day and a second set at bed time will help you rest better and gain more from your sleep, this then begins a cycle where your energy levels will exceed the demands you place on yourself. You can also do specific individual exercises if you feel you need a boost in that area of your BioEnergy system. For example if your mind is hectic or concentration is poor, practice the governing and central movements. If you have over indulged or are feeling frustrated and angry practice the gall Bladder movement. For fear and anxiety use the Bladder/Kidney movement. For digestive difficulties, breathing difficulties or any grief and regret, practice the Large Intestine/Lung movement. The Stomach/Spleen movement can be used for any digestive upset and for worry. Temperature regulation and immune <b>...</b> | From: HealthKinesiology Views: 5115 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 21 ratings | |
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I was cleaning up some files on my old computer that usually sits gathering dust in our spare room when I came across an interesting little piece on how things have changed, particularly in recent years. The piece was about a woman and her grandson talking and the woman finished with the following words:
In my day:
"grass" was mowed,
"coke" was a cold drink,
"pot" was something your mother cooked in and
"rock music" was your grandmother's lullaby.
"Aids" were helpers in the Principal's office,
"gay" meant you were happy
"chip" was a piece missing out of a teacup
"hardware" was found in a hardware store and
"software" wasn't even a word.
And we were the last generation to actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby. No wonder people call us "old and confused" and say there is a generation gap... and how old do you think I am?
Answer: She was born in 1947 (a baby boomer!!!) and turned 63 in 2010!!!
Ignoring the fact she must have lived in a convent during the 1960s and 70s our not so fictitious grandma is actually part of that generation that makes up about one-third of the US population that has control over two-thirds the wealth in the country! There are more than 1 billion of us throughout the world. (Yes, I'm a boomer)
This little story only tends to highlight the massive changes that have taken place within the lifespan of what is now becoming the senior generation in our world. In this no-longer-innocent world of constant change we need to be on top of things more than ever before in the history of humankind. Yet all we have to fall back on are the resources we have always had. However, those resources, fully realized, are more than enough for you to live your ultimate life.
Unfortunately most of us never realize the potential we have. As a result we never ever develop what it takes to live well-adjusted, healthy, fulfilled lives. What a waste!
There are enough clues scattered around. There have been countless words written on the topic, but it is only when people hit some sort of crisis point in their lives that they become motivated enough to do something about changing themselves.
That is the key. Living the Ultimate Life is a great goal to have, but it is the person you become in the process that makes life so much better. In fact I would go so far as to say that for most who are living their ultimate life, if you took away all the trappings, they would still be fulfilled. They could, almost magically it seems, get it all back again with no real apparent effort.
I can say that quite confidently because I have seen it happen time and time again. So whether you do it for the person you will become, or you just like the idea of living the life you want, you owe it to yourself and to those with whom you associate to pursue your Ultimate Life.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
Graham Hunt is a writer. It is not only what he does, it is who he is. He writes mainly in the area of personal development, but has recently branched out into Internet Marketing strategies. His life's purpose is "to resource an environment where people who so desire can find and fulfill their life's potential, whatever that means to them" His work can be found at
Subliminal messages are signals embedded in other forms of medium designed to bypass the conscious mind into the facets of the subconscious mind. These messages are foreign to the conscious mind, meaning the conscious mind can in no way process of subliminal messages. Depending on the type of subliminal messages induced, an individual can form certain behavioral changes in response to the messages introduced. The subconscious mind is noted to adapt or rather affect learning process in order to affect development and thoughts patterns. The word subliminal means below the limen, in latin it translate as under threshold. How subliminal work to affect this is quite complicated and can not be explained in depth in this single writing, however subliminal persuasions take in place when subliminal messages are induced in alternating wave frequencies, the brain works in aid of electric pulses which are effective in posting messages and pulses through the neuron network. The effect of this is an adoption of learning process by the subconscious which is affects behavioral changes or development.
The use of subliminal persuasion is not new; in fact most of the advertising agencies are reported to use this technology in influencing a person's choice of products. However dirty it may sound most products are reported to have hidden subliminal messages embedded on them, what are the messages about? Sex, anyone knows that sex sells and sells more if you find arousal in your brain as a result of productions dopamine and serotonin chemicals. These brain chemicals works to aid individual emotions and feelings, they are stronger when sexual arousals are presented in-between. This product with embedded subliminal messages creates an unexplainable fondness towards the product leading purchases as a result of this conscious unexplainable effect. Subliminal products have proved to be the best kind of self improvement therapies in the modern society, most people are opening up to the effects of subliminal products this mostly because of its effectiveness in driving in specific desired results. Unlike subconscious induction practices such as Yoga or Hypnosis, subliminal does not involve going into a trance, all it takes to get desired results is playing over and over some desired subliminal sound over a period of time. Most people start getting desired results in a month's times others in less than a month.
Subliminal persuasion is one of the safest personal development therapies one can ever get involved in, the therapy does not have any form of side effect of after effect. Virtually anyone whose ever been put on these therapy for whatever reason has something positive to write home about. Should you be interested in getting more information about the therapy you can do so by visiting some of the many subliminal information sites on the internet, it is very important that you access good informational sites which are known to display unbiased information on the subject. It is also recommended for an individual to purchase specific subliminal product for the specific personal development act, these fact affects results to the point.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
Greg Frost is a leading innovator in the field of subliminal technology and the director of which specializes providing a whole range of subliminal cds for self improvement. Grab your free "Ultimate Success Unleashed" Subliminal Cd today at
Recently, my husband and I went for an all day birding workshop in Cape May on a bitterly cold, windy day with the highs expected to be in the teens. As I dressed in every layer I possessed, I remembered the motto of a guide we had in Patagonia several years before. "There is no bad weather, just bad gear." Those words have stayed with me and as a result, I have gradually acquired a varied wardrobe of outdoor clothing for all seasons. But I also realized this is a metaphor for how to live. This cold day gave me pause to reflect on the protective gear I need ready at hand to face life's inevitable storms. These are my four essential layers.
Innermost Layer - Keeping the faith is my primal protection. Realizing that ultimately I have no control over the universe, I can only accept life's unfolding and try to meet it with integrity, compassion and gratitude. I have learned that it is important to foster my faith through reflection and prayer so that it becomes an integral part of me and autonomic in times of difficulty.
Second Layer - I need breathing space. Whatever the situation, one needs to breathe. When shepherding my father through his journey with esophageal cancer, I would travel to Boston for his chemo and radiation treatments. I was fortunate to be able to stay in a residential unit they had for cancer families within the hospital itself. However, I soon learned that to maintain my sanity, it was absolutely essential for me to go outside everyday and take a walk. When dealing with crisis situations, we tend to adopt tunnel vision, enabling us to direct all our energy towards the challenge at hand. We need to remind ourselves to occasionally step back and breathe. For me, just being outside, feeling the sun and the wind and watching the clouds gave me perspective, hope, and the space to breathe.
Third layer - Call in the support team! I've learned the hard way that I can't go it alone when the going gets tough. I need my husband's shoulder to cry on, my girlfriends to confide in, and my daughters to hold my hand. Over the years, I've also gathered numerous professionals around me - therapist, life coach, masseuses, and medical doctors I trust. We all need a pit crew to keep us in the race.
External Layer - The roles that we are used to playing can be like those favorite jeans that have molded to our body. In difficult times, it helps to identify the role I need to play. With my father, on one day I needed just to be the loving daughter holding his hand; another day, his secretary keeping track of all the information; another day, his advocate. We cannot be all things at all times. To identify what we can do and do well, makes an overwhelming situation manageable.
When the hurricane hits, it's not the time to go out shopping for foul weather gear. All of these essential layers that I have identified for myself require both maintenance and time to develop. What are your essential protective layers and what condition are they in?
Copyright (c) 2011 Karin Marcus
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
Karin Marcus, Professional Certified Life Coach / Retreat Leader
"Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do" Rumi 610-667-5247