1. Your greatest strength can become your greatest detriment to achieving your dreams. An eloquent and prolific speaker can preempt his/her ideas to the wrong audience with catastrophic consequences. Every great strength must be managed within the confines of a disciplined life.
2. Disaster preparedness is a goal every leader must take into account. The challenge is that the mind fools the leader to believe that based on previous records there is no likelihood of its occurrence. What is more shocking is that the same volcano which may even have a track record of eruptions will still have people enjoying its dormant and friendly times until they become victims once again.
3. Give me aid you you can stop my pain temporarily. Show me how to care and dress my own wound and I will have a permanent solution to what worries me. Aid is good because people exercise their right to give and get blessed. Aid is however a temporary blessing or cushion where a permanent solution is still critical.
4. Interjections in communication are a sign that all that is being said does not address the issue on hand. Maturity must be exercised on both sides of the communication to ensure that dignity is maintained in the process. There is a place for interjections but it should never be the norm in every discussion. People have a right to be heard.
5. The best career is not always the one that pays more. You operate best in your area of calling or purpose not just where remuneration is record breaking. Money is important and indeed solves many problems but it can never take the place of fulfillment that comes from being in the right career at the right time.
6. If you struggle to be faithful in building or supporting another person's vision or idea, it is better to come out in the open and quit than hold on to the security that the job guarantees. Dishonesty is a seed you can sow in your present job but it will replicate and manifest itself in your future corporation. Remember, you reap more than what you sow.
7. Children must be taught that every decision has a consequence early enough in life. They must allow the children to learn from going through the consequences no matter how painful. Relaxing the rules and feeling sorry for the child distorts the current lesson and creates an impression that consequences can be avoided by emotional blackmail.
8. Education is important. However, let the educated not despise those who are yet to achieve the same. Some merely lack opportunity to exploit their intellectual capacity. There is also a set of people who may not be educated enough and yet they have done ground breaking exploits way beyond the educated.
9. The greatest force you must contend with which seeks to limit your exploits in the future is your view of the future. You are limited by your personal aspirations. As far as you can dream, so far can you go if you avoid entertaining sources of discouragements.
10. A relationship that can stand the test of trust, distance, time, external competition and interference is sound and mature. Most relationships fail largely because of these forces. A failed relationship does not make the parties failures but it points to them what not to do in future engagements.
Rabison Shumba is a writer, businessman and philanthropist. Writer of the book The Greatness Manual which you can preview on http://greatnessmanual.wordpress.com. Founder and CEO of Infotech Solutions and Greatness Factory Trust. Rabison speaks about success, leadership, motivation and inspiration. Rabison is well traveled having been to Asia, America, United Kingdom and all over Africa. He is married to Jacqueline Edwards and they have two children. They reside in Harare, Zimbabwe, Southern Africa.
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