On Wednesday, November 10 Categories:

Everyone has a story to tell and everyone has the duty and responsibility to tell it. Everyone is hungry for a story. You just can't believe that you have nothing to write about! How can you do this? You can and should write a book!

Back in 1959, I went to the movies one night while I was in college. I saw the movie, "The Diary of Anne Frank". I just can't say enough about how that young Jewish girl in her hiding place, impressed me and brought tears to my eyes. She was just 12 or 13 years old when her family and others found a hiding place directly under the eyes of the terrible Nazi occupiers in Amsterdam, Holland. She wrote a diary that was found many years after her young death. I was so taken back by the movie that the next morning I went to the college book store and purchased two 59 cent notebooks.

I began making entries, nothing world moving, just small stuff about what I experienced on that day. Since then I have periodically made entries and have written I will someday write a book. I now have nine or ten notebooks filled with my life experiences. You say, "so what?"

Finally in 2001 or 2002, I took out my first two notebooks, the ones I had purchased more than forty years ago and began to write. As I wrote, I remembered the entries and sometimes I could vividly see myself on that and that day, doing that and that thing. I transcribed the entries and then wrote long commentaries below. I scanned and added photos from my many photo albums, sixteen of them, when I last counted. Finally in 2004, I had written 430 pages about my life. I am not a world leader, a politician or movie star, I am just a "nobody" who had a story to tell. I published my memoirs with one of those self published companies. I titled my memoirs, "A Nobody is Somebody". It looked good, but I only sold a few over the next few years. So what! I can now call myself a published writer, can you?

If you can't or don't want to write a book, you could and should write articles that could be printed here. Maybe you have a networking site and want to tell people you are here too! This is one of the best methods to do it.

Remember, everyone has a story to tell and everyone has the duty to write and tell it. Nobody has the right to lock their story up within themselves.

I write because I need too and I must tell others my story. You have to do the same! Visit me at my blog. Read my story and please comment?

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