Wind is such a magical force, especially when it exceeds 40 mph. It's a popular power source for electricity. Consider the energy it provides us each personally and collectively. When the wind shakes your house, you thrive on the comforts of home. You feel grounded as you take shelter, enjoying a warm blanket, a book, and a hot beverage. On the flip side, it may be a pest. As I write this, my glass paned doors and windows are shaking with winds in excess of 55 mph. My screen door has a hole it in from a flying object protruding the screen. It kept my daughter awake last night, which in turn kept me awake last night. Additionally, the wind is actually decreasing our power with downed power lines. This is opposite of how we trust wind to provide us power.
How do you stay grounded and centered in these situations? What impact does it have on your personal energy? How about the energy of your surrounding friends and family?
If the wind brings up concerns of weather emergencies, like a tornado, it follows with an increase in your heart rate and anxiety. It may then lead to irrational thoughts and actions. What a wonderful opportunity to focus on your breath for relaxation and stress reduction. Taking it a step further, if the power is out, meditation by candle light is a beautiful option. Think of the energy created by the wind as you close your eyes and release all thoughts, ideas, and expectations. What comes up for you during that time? Think of the energy created when you stop thinking about the wind and just let go in the moment.
For me, I gained awareness of the forces greater than myself. We are all one and our energies impact each other. What one person says or does impacts others. Each of us are impacted by how one day's weather flows. A hurricane in the south still impacts the north - less impactful, but still impactful. It has a powerful influence that cannot be ignored. As the waves crash and the leaves blow, we are reminded of this energy far greater than who we are individually. Does it shock you? Does it shake you up mentally or emotionally?
Our responses and reactions to such situations demonstrate for us our ability to 'let it go' and 'love ourselves regardless of the circumstances.' If you get bent out of shape by a weather pattern, what's behind that emotion? If you peel back the onion, what's going on for you at that moment? Are you feeling as if the wave is physically crashing into your body or mind? The wind and the storms have significant energy, but you don't have to let it consume you inside and out. You also have power, the power to accept that which is happening around you, and the power to 'ride it out' or 'drop to your knees'. As you read this message, consider what area of your body is responding to these words. Is it an energetic, wonderful feeling? Is it pain and discomfort? Regardless, your response to the energy of the wind and the storm, personally or meteorologically, is a great indicator of your life. To listen to it and understand it takes courage and often assistance. Give into it, for your health and well-being. Happiness and Wellth...Namaste
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Jennifer D. Culver, PCC is a Professional Certified Coach with Jentle Wellness LLC, empowering individuals to become who they aspire to be - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. She excels in supporting you through your Transition. Jennifer is also a Reiki Master, a Seva Stress Relief Acupressure Practitioner, an Author, a Business Consultant, and a student of Holistic Nutrition. To learn more about gaining support with your transition and to test drive a sample, click on and then click the button FREE TRIAL Professional Coaching for a FREE 60-minute Transitional Coaching Session.
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