Life purpose is like the North Star it is not a destination, but a direction of travel. Real and lasting motivation comes from within when we take action in line with our North Star. Our life choices become significantly easier (both what to do and just as importantly what not to do) when we have a clear sense of purpose and direction.
The Chinese army has a punishment: they get soldiers who've done something bad to dig a big hole for several hours and then fill it back in again, because nothing is more soul destroying than work without purpose. The British army used to have a similar punishment, they would have soldiers dig all the coal out of the coal cellar and put it on the other side then white wash one of the walls and shovel all the coal down against that whitewashed wall because nothing is more soul destroying than work without purpose.
When we fail to be clear about what we care about, what our purpose and direction in life is, we commit ourselves to work without purpose... and this idea of direction and purpose isn't the same thing as goals it's something bigger and further away, that we don't need to reach, but means that we can keep heading out in the right direction... So I call it a North Star.
The North Star is a bright star always appearing due north in the sky. It has historically been used for navigation, to help travellers or people who are lost move forward in the right direction.
Having a personal North Star creates a clear direction of travel for your life. Built by you it clarifies your purpose and is an agreement with yourself of the life you want to create. It reflects the best version of you and the best future regardless of current challenges or reality.
To build your own personal North Star you can follow this simple 5 step process. Anyone can easily get clear about their direction, stage one only takes a couple of minutes. Begin by answering 12 simple questions quickly and with instinctive responses. Be brave and bold in your answers.... Your North Star is not a destination, but a direction of travel.
Step 1 - Questions
Scribble answers to these questions down on a bit of paper.
1. If you could do anything, what would you do?
2. Imagine your perfect life as a movie what happens?
3. What do you really love to do in life?
4. What do you really love to do in work / school?
5. What are you naturally good at? e.g. music, talking, helping, sport
6. If you could change anything what would it be?
7. What is the best thing you could do in the future for the most important people in your life?
8. What things would have the biggest positive effect on your physical health and emotional health?
9. What is the best thing you could do for society?
10. When are you at your best?
11. Think of three people who have influenced you or you admire, what are their best qualities?
Step 2 - Most Important
Okay, what you want to do next is put a circle round any words or short phrases that for you are "must have". Words which regardless of current challenges or practicalities are what you really care about, essential to painting an inspiring picture of the best version of you and the life you want.
Step 3 - Simplify
Now look for duplication, words that for you really mean the same thing or express the same thought. Delete the ones you don't need just leaving your favourite of the duplicated words or phrases.
Step 4 - Commonality
Now look for commonality, words or phrases that are about a similar subject, for example, family, health, big achievements, work; group them together on a new page.
What you are looking at now should feel like a clear and inspiring summary of what you really care about, of your purpose, the direction you want to travel.
Step 5 - Craft
The final stage is about how you capture it. Expressed as a statement of a positive future (I find doing it in a present tense works well) most people like to play with the language a little and turn it in to a few of sentences which flow well and make sense. Or you can leave it as a list of words and phrases probably under headings, it's up to you. Do it now, capture the words in the way that works the best for you.
Having a clear direction of travel takes away frustrations and anxiety, real and lasting motivation comes from within when you take action in line with your North Star. Practically you can check in with yourself and others that your actions every day are constructive and lined up with what you care about. As your life changes and grows, your direction will change so the North Star should continually update to remain a truthful and inspiring beacon of what you care about.
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This article is part of that series about how to get what you want in life, answering the 20 most asked questions.
Thanks and see you there
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