On Wednesday, November 24 Categories:

1. A significant portion of learning comes out of observation of others who have done something of interest. It is prudent for the observer to not follow or replicate the mistakes of those ahead but avoid them and focus on propagating the successes.

2. Your mind is one very important engine in the manufacture and realization of your future. It is therefore not an option but mandatory to guard jealously the gates to your mind which includes governing what you see, hear and feel. The fastest way to pollute your future is through the information you tolerate.

3. The future of any nation or society is in the willingness and determination to invest and protect the gains from the education of its people. It is wisdom to increase access to education by people across the economic divide as this gives everyone confidence about what the future holds.

4. It is important to understand that a number of decisions that people make are based on another person's assurance and a genuine trust in their word. If your word is this important, you have no business being careless about your utterances and promises.

5. Unless you have experienced or lived it you may have no right desiring to be an authority about the subject. We must resist the temptation that comes from a desire to portray attributes or demand honor for what we have only encountered in books and not in real life.

6. You are not helping anyone by being blatant in your reminders about their terrible past, no one can ever turn back the activity that lays in history. Likewise in your encouragement about the present and future, it is better to be true to what you see than flatter people through imaginary words you don't even see.

7. Depression is an unnecessary habit to allow. The aftermath of such an emotional state robs people of opportunities to maximize on innate potential. The lower your emotional state the higher the risk of losing valuable time.

8. No individual or country is immune to mistakes and challenges. Instead of spending time laughing at the negative impact of another person's decisions, one would rather use the same time to create safeguards to avoid walking into a similar challenge or situation in the future.

9. Giving should never be out of compulsion, force or manipulation. Giving should be an attitude of the heart. We do not give to be seen to be givers. Giving should just be a way of life not passport for recognition.

10. You can not claim championship until you participate in the race, you can not claim that you know until you study and experience. You certainly can not claim that you have influence when there is no trace of people whose lives you have touched.

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Rabison Shumba is an author, businessman and philanthropist. Writer of the book. He is author of the award winning, The Greatness Manual. He is Founder and CEO of Infotech Solutions and Chairman of the Greatness Factory Trust. Rabison speaks about success, leadership, motivation and inspiration. Rabison is well traveled having been to Asia, America, United Kingdom and all over Africa. He is married to Jacqueline Edwards and they have two children. They reside in Harare, Zimbabwe, Southern Africa. His site http://greatnessmanual.wordpress.com will transform the way you live your life.

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