On Saturday, November 27 Categories:

We change constantly. Every step is a step to the unknown. You have never been exactly like you are now. You have never been in this set of circumstances. So, as you are under this type of transiency, you can begin to second guess your decision and as reaching definite aims in life take time, we become impatient with reaching our goals. Our mind begins to wander, we begin to lose sight of our definite aim and we are tempted to give our commitment away.

There are days when I'm up to my gills with philosophy, ethical development and science. I can be so frustrated that I want to swear never to return to these fields again. But then the golden moment arrives. I remember why I chose these fields in the first place. I remember how much time and discipline I have invested to these subject areas. I recollect the moments in solitude when I have thirsted the life I would otherwise have if I weren't living in solitude to maximize my creativity and specialization. So I ask myself, do I really want to give all that away? That what has made me what I am today? And I have to say in front of my convictions and sacrifices that there is no way I would give them away only to go to a new starting point and begin the process again. And you should think this way too.

Whatever it is that you have chosen, finish it. It will lengthen the lifespan of your decisions. You learn to live with your decisions. And by going to your chosen destination, you will gain a perspective of how long it takes to reach a goal. And these things become vital when you begin to estimate the next goals you are bound to set for yourself. Because you are looking for an article that tells you how to stay focused, it tells that you want to stay focused and are dealing with another vital lesson. Discipline.

All of those who have reached some level of greatness speak of the importance of discipline. And you are now learning that lesson. By staying focused now, and working for reaching your definite aim although you are now in need for empowerment, I promise you that when you WILL reach your goal, all the emotional sacrifices you have made now will be rewarded with the satisfaction of reaching your goal. You'll feel proud of yourself because you know what obstacles you had to work your way through to get to your definite aim. And as you are empowered by it, you have more confidence and hunger for reaching another. You can do it.

Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.

Henry M. Piironen is the author of "The Power of Transiency (How Thoughts Can Harness the Power of Life, the Universe and Everything)." To purchase this definitive book, visit Amazon Kindle Store now! Already read it? To purchase his other books, click here.

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