Leadership is essentially a factor of how much influence one has. A leader who has not people to influence is sometimes referred to as a person taking a walk. One must always look back to see who is following. Many confuse leadership and eloquence. There are leaders who may not speak well but the few words they say have so much richness in them such that people just want to follow. Quality words have impact on people's lives whereas jay-talk has no benefit on anyone. You can tell the best jokes but if they do not translate in people taking you seriously then you may be an entertainer with no meaningful influence. Some think the in order to lead, one has to have a lot of assets, more than the followers. While this may sound true, it is actually not absolute. Leaders should possess enough resources to roll out the vision and help those who follow to make it in life and business. Assets are not the pre requisite here but true leadership, character and integrity which lead to influence. Just how does one grow in influence.
1. Motivating others - Followers desire to see a leader who tells them that they too can do it. There are many people whose destinies are shattered just because no one encouraged or spurred them on. You will influence many through motivation than any other way of getting influence. When people walk away from you they must have a sense of "it can be done".
2. Persuading others - this is when a leader uses verbal skills to get others to act on what needs to be done. It takes a lot of verbal skill to persuade people to action. Leaders who sharpen this skill will always go very far. Persuasion is not bribing or lying to those who follow but outlining clearly in ways that will convince people fully.
3. Fair exchange with others - Sometimes people give with an underlying intention to also receive from others. When you give of your time, effort, resources and intellect then others who see and benefit will in turn do the same as they have a model to follow. There is an inherent fair exchange of action.
4. Manipulation of people - I do not encourage this method of getting influence. This is when a leader coerces others to act even against their own will. A leader sometimes exerts pressure on those that follow to do something they would otherwise not do. You may influence people to act now but in the future you lose them totally.
5. Intimidation of others - this is the emotional or verbal blackmail that leaders sometimes uses to bully people to do things they would otherwise not do on their own. This is a negative method. Again, a leader who always intimidates others can only go so far. Sooner or later he/she looses those who follow and the influence falls away.
6. Honoring others - This is one of the most favorable ways to get others to act. When a leader communicates esteem to others by serving them this inspires them to act. A leader is a servant. The best leaders practice servant leadership. They do not hold tightly to their own titles but they serve those who follow.
7. Forcing others - You can certainly get things done through force but this is more on the negative side. It is not the best way to accomplish tasks. Whenever force is used, rebellion is likely to follow. People generally to the work while harboring complaints in the heart.
Rabison Shumba is a writer, businessman and philanthropist. Writer of the book The Greatness Manual which you can preview on http://greatnessmanual.wordpress.com. Founder and CEO of Infotech Solutions and Greatness Factory Trust. Rabison speaks about success, leadership, motivation and inspiration. Rabison is well traveled having been to Asia, America, United Kingdom and all over Africa. He is married to Jacqueline Edwards and they have two children. They reside in Harare, Zimbabwe, Southern Africa.
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