Nothing will work unless you do - John Wooden.
If you don't work for something, you will not cherish it. Life is a succession of events, and success is gradual. It is like climbing a mountain, little by little you reach the top; you feel great, you feel that you have achieved something; mountain climbers feel great when they climb the highest mountain in the world, and they create record.
To reach the top is full of preparations, they gather their tools, go for trainings, do lots of exercise, before they try to climb the mountain, struggling and hardship are involve. Discipline is important. You don't get things on a platter of gold, if they succeed they celebrate. The world is pleased with their greatness.
One doesn't become great at a drop of a hat or at once. Series of things are put in place, maturity, how you started, the ups and downs you went through in life; your personal inventories are not left out. History is not made in one day, it is an accumulation of events in your life, and how you went through those events, and the world has a way of keeping record of history. Just like "Guinness World Record."
When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world - George Washington Carver.
Those who achieved their goals worked hard for it and they are happy for it. It is not achieved just like that. When you are living in a community where people around you don't think of achieving something, that community is equal to failure. You can't become what you want to be without due process.
You can't jump into an office to see the MD (Managing Director) without filling a form or observing the protocols; you can't enter another country without visa and other protocols; you can't go to other community and begin to hold a clandestine meeting with the people without letting the authorities know; it's a breach of law. Even in the jungle there is a way of doing things to maintain peace and order.
There is no short-cut to achievement. Life requires thorough preparation - veneer isn't worth anything - George Washington Carver.
To attain massive success you have to take it slow and steady, step by step, thorough preparation apply discipline, concentration, and determination, you will surely attain your desired goal. I hope this would help achieving your goal easier.
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