Have you ever fully appreciated that marvelous tool for success that each and every one of us has at our command? It is our mind.
Theodore Roosevelt
?All the resources we need are in the mind.?
In the novel ?Terminal Man? by Michael Crichton, it mentions that at that time (1972) the largest and most expensive computer had the same number of circuits as the brain of an ant. To make a computer with the capacity of the human brain would require the size of a huge skyscraper. Its energy demand would be the equivalent of a city of a half a million.
I know computers have come a long way since 1972 but it shows the tremendous capacity of the human mind.
Did you know our conscious mind is only one-sixth of our brain?s thinking and power? Our subconscious mind represents five-sixths of our thinking and power.
The whole mind, conscious and subconscious, possesses the power to solve any problem that may come up, or provide the necessary ways and means through which we can achieve our ends.
The conscious mind holds only about 7 pieces of information in short-term memory. Your sub-conscious mind, however, stores all the knowledge you have ever acquired. Everything you have ever read, heard, thought or imagined is held within its immense memory.
Brain researchers estimate that your unconscious mind outweighs the conscious on a scale of ten million to one. This is the source of your hidden, natural genius. In other words, this part of you is much smarter than you think you are. This is where the great artists, writers, and poets to get their inspiration.
Albert Einstein
?The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you, and you don?t know how or why.?
?I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.?
The subconscious mind is useful in two ways. The first way involves receiving information, solving problems, and receiving inspiration.
The second way deals with programming your mind to supercharge your confidence, your self-image, and your desired beliefs. This can take a little time at first but like many things gets easier with practice.
Programming your subconscious works best through visualization. Pictures and symbols are by far the most effective way of impressing your subconscious. Speaking of symbols and pictures, this is why dreams are largely symbolic in nature. While you sleep your mind processes information and presents it back in the form of symbolic pictures.
What?s great about your subconscious mind is that it never rests. Whatever goal or problem you give your subconscious, it will work on continually, day or night.
Whatever you think and ponder about deeply with strong emotion makes a strong impression on your subconscious. This is why you also need to be careful. Excessive worrying and negative self-talk can also make strong impressions.
You want your subconscious mind to be a goal achieving, success mechanism, not a failure mechanism.
Effortlessly program your mind for success! Click Here Now to find out more.
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