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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Audio by Dr. Stephen R. Covey is a best-selling audio program built around his best seller book of the same title. In this audio presentation, he bares the 7 practices successful individuals share and presents how to bring them into everyone's life. This program has become the framework for personal development.

The book shares the seven habits that are noteworthy collection of motivating and goal-oriented standards for anybody who wants to live a full, focused and worthy life. Dr. Stephen R. Covey's ethical line of attack is not a short-range remedy for personal development. It is a matter of working hard to acquire the right principles and internalizing them by deeply contemplating on them and teaching them to others.

But before one can embrace the seven habits, the need to carry out a "paradigm shift," change awareness and understand how this world operates, has to be set in motion. The paradigms are the basis of one's attitude and manners. In order to move out and be successful, one has to break free from this and adjust his/her point of view. What are the seven habits everybody is talking about?

Here is the summary of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Audio.

Habit #1. Be proactive

Control the environment rather than waiting for something to happen. Take initiatives but remember that there is no need to be intolerable, pushy or mean. Being proactive means understanding one's authority to respond to the stimulus and make things come about.

Habit #2. Begin with the end in mind - the habit of personal leadership

Be a leader. Move towards the goals envisioned. Concentrate on pertinent activities and stay away from any diversions. Become more constructive and profitable.

Habit #3. Put things first - the habit of personal management

Organize and implement activities that are in line with the goals set up in habit #2. According to Covey, habit #2 is "mental creation" while habit #3 is the "physical creation." Create an understanding on what needs to be done. Focus on the results.

Habit #4. Think win-win - the habit of interpersonal leadership.

Achievements are realized with the help of others. There is enough for everyone and success results from a collaborative effort from people around. One has to seek reciprocal gain from every human relationship.

Habit #5. Seek first to understand then to be understood - habit of communication

The old adage that says "Diagnose before you prescribe" is enlightening. Always listen with the purpose of understanding the other person instead of the natural instinct of focusing to reply.

Habit #6. Synergize - habit of creative cooperation

Always see the usefulness and the possibilities of the other person's role. This is simply working as a team.

Habit #7. Sharpen the saw - habit of self-renewal

This is merely self-growth. Always seek to continuously improve or develop the self.

The seven principles shared in this forceful audio program are not original thoughts by Dr. Stephen R. Covey but are just common information that is not commonly practiced by people. All the seven habits are even part of all the major religions of the world. It is just human nature that prevents us from seeing what is in front all the time. In the "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Audio" program, Covey helps one through the transformation of becoming a very successful person.

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Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The 7 Habits of People Audio by Dr. Stephen R. Covey

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