Overweight has been a major problem for some people. Overweight can lead to many diseases, such as Diabetes or cardiovascular disease, not to mention the limitation of clothes that you can wear. There are many diet programs, medicine, or treatment to overcome overweight problem, but only few can succeed through these means. We can still find many people complaining on how that program doesn't suit for them.
May be, just may be, the treatment cannot be fully mistaken. May be it is you who need more motivation to complete the goal. Reducing overweight is a difficult task, it is true. So you need strong motivation to do the difficult task. You need to make your motivation clear in order to make strong motivation. Here is some ways to make your motivation clear:
1. Do it for yourself
You may find that with overweight body, you will have difficulty in doing several things, such as tying your shoe, for instant. You may find your friend make fun of you with your big size body. Not to mention, you have more possibility in getting many diseases. Do yourself a favor, and help yourself. Imagine all the things that you cannot do today, how you want to do it, and it can only happen in thinner body. And certainly, it will increase your self esteem.
2. Do it for your family
If you think you do not have any problem with your big size body, don't be selfish. How about your family. Do they have any objection with your body? If by any chance you suffer diabetes or cancer or cardiovascular disease, how would that impact on your family? Think on the people who count on you.
3. Do it for some reward
You can make deal with yourself, such as: If I can lose 4 pounds in one weeks, I will by myself the cool fantastic shoes in store. Treat yourself something expensive!
Reducing overweight is a difficult task, but it has to start from you. Start by defining your motivation, hold it tight, and you have completed half the mission.
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