On Friday, December 10 Categories:

Reality is entirely of your own making ' we, ourselves, create our own unique version of the otherwise real world! Over seventy years research in the field of psychology confirm that your inner-most thoughts automatically dictate your behaviour which, in turn, creates the so-called reality of your life. Your state of mind, or your mood, is the filter through which you evaluate everything that is going on. In the process, you don't know what is actually going on, your subconscious mind puts its own slant on real reality and you end up behaving and reacting to only what you think is going on. Consequently, your reaction to each and every perceived situation ' threat, opportunity, insult or compliment ' can be nothing other than inappropriate. The stark reality is that you are not in control of your state of mind ' and not only is your subconscious mind in the driving seat, it is using an in-built sat-nav that is decades out of date! This sat-nav is what psychology calls 'stored knowledge' ' everything that you learned about yourself and life during your formative years.

All the way back to the 1930s, research has consistently proven that normal people are incapable of paying attention to what is going on right here right now. Sure, normal people really think that they know what's going on, but they see everything through a fog of formative years programming. Believe it or not, normal people actually think they're taking real action when, in reality, they are simply automatically reacting to their subconscious mind's version of current events. And that interpretation is based on preconceived notions that are way past their sell-by date. Consider this for just a moment. If you actually acted, instead of reacted, would you be phased by some passing trivia that will be forgotten tomorrow? Would you lose your temper with your kids and make matters worse? Would you annoy your boss who holds your career in the palm of his or her hand? Would you even get annoyed when someone pulls out in front of you in rush hour traffic?

More importantly, would you deliberately sabotage yourself with stupid and useless thoughts that you feel inadequate? Would you deliberately let an opportunity slip because you think that you're shy? Would you collapse into a nervous mess when you're called upon to make a presentation? Would you be lazy? Would you be stressed out? Would you crumple under pressure? None of these things make an ounce of sense - and yet that is where most of us find ourselves most of the time - no wonder the World Health Organization believes that stress will be the biggest killer of the 21st century.

Normal people - and that's all of us to a greater or lesser extent - are completely out of control. If you're not happy with yourself or your life, if there's something that you would like to change, if you'd like to achieve more or be more relaxed, it has nothing to do with what is actually happening to you or for you - it has everything to do with a subconscious mind that is out of control. You might wish for or want for better times, greater things to happen, to be calmer, more assertive, more attractive or even have more money. But you know from bitter experience that life doesn't work that way, that you're not courageous enough or brave enough to take the leap. You're wrong, you only think that life is what it is, that you've got to work hard to be a success, that certain things are beyond you. All these self-defeating useless thoughts are many miles removed from actual reality - they are a figment of a subconscious mind that's lost in a past long gone.

You can't control your life - nobody can. On the other hand, you can exert extra-ordinary influence on every aspect of your life by simply taking control of the one thing in life over which you can exert complete and absolute control - your own state of mind. You've got to drag (sometimes kicking and screaming) your subconscious mind away from its default obsession with the past. You've got to relearn how to pay attention to the reality of the here and now - something that was second nature to you when you were a child. You've got to consciously and deliberately set out to train your mind to come to its senses. A small commitment - perhaps only a few minutes a day on your part - will change your life utterly. Those few minutes each day need to be spent in relearning how to pay attention to what your five senses are actually telling you - without your warped subconscious mind putting its own irrelevant spin on things.

If you actually do go to the trouble of relearning how to be present - if you do actually bother to turn up to your own life - you will take control of your mind and create a reality based on who you really are, what you really feel, what you really want and what you can really achieve.

Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Horton

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Willie Horton enables his clients live their dream - since he launched his acclaimed Personal Development Seminars in 1996. His clients include major corporations: Pfizer, Deloitte, Nestle, KPMG, G4S & Allergan. An Irishman, he lives in the French Alps and travels the world as a much sought after speaker and mentor. He is the author of To Succeed Just Let Go and the creator of Gurdy.Net

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