My aim in this article is to offer you some tips on how to get you started on a project that you are wanting to start but may have been nervous about starting for whatever reason. Remember, just don't listen to the "dream stealers" as they will rob you of your chances to fulfill your dreams.
This has been a great reminder for me when I have hit adversity. You have to be uncomfortable to grow! That's an understanding you could accept as you embark upon achieving something worthwhile for yourself.
If you are reading this article because you are thinking about finally doing "that project" that you have always wanted to do, but need some more reasons to make you feel ok about actually deciding to start to do it, I have listed some questions below to help you decide. Or you may want someone just to give you that little push along. Whatever your position is, I offer you some practical tips on what you can think about, and then what you can try for yourself, to get you over the starting line.
"Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the Truth!" (by Katherine Mansfield, 1888-1923, Writer, New Zealand)
The above quote is another's view on risk. For me, the quote's emphasis lies with a person making a real decision and having the self-belief to have a go! Often, risk is a real partner when making a big decision. Understand with risk comes opportunity and growth.
Ask yourself these three simple questions. Write your answers down in as much detail as possible because it these reasons that you seek to build on why you can get started that will add great value to your confidence and self-belief to carry out the project. These questions can trigger great reasons that may assist you to get started. They may just help get you over the starting line.
- What is the best thing that can happen?
- What is the worst thing that can happen?
- What is the most probable thing that will happen?
If you can accept the worst, make your decision to start right now. If you can think of ways to insure against the worst happening, and be comfortable with that, decide to do it now. So there you have some practical ways to ascertain whether a project is right for you to start. Start with baby steps but most of all try to do something.
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