Human success is the primary focus from centuries. All the way we try to find the better reasons and methods to be more successful. To understand people, thinkers study the life of successful people and that of failures too. The life of successful people to repeat what they do and that of failures to avoid what they commit. The nature taught of the law of interdependence and what you reap is what you saw.
When I search and read lives of different many people from the top achievers to a common man, I was surprised. The steps and process is almost same irrespective of field and height of success or achievement. The age becomes immaterial. I am sharing with you that five step formula, which can lead any average person to high level success.
The steps are easy to understand and follow by any person, in any circumstances. They are in consonance of natural laws.
The first is Love. Loving every person for the sake of loving only. The belief in human potential. Love is so powerful and most needed emotion in every era. The need of love can be seen in plants and animals even. Foremost is to love self.
Next is Encouragement. Encouragement to do the right things and improve on limitations. When a child tries to stand first time in life, stand and walk first step with stumble, everybody encourage him to do so. That mere encouragement leads to the walk of many lives from childhood to reach many heights.
Food is the need of every human to live, so as Appreciation to grow in life. People can live without food but cannot without appreciation. The hunger of appreciation is stronger than that of food. People are more introduced by don'ts than by dos. More we appreciate the people for right things, more we attract the right things in our life.
Development should be the nucleus of every action and thought. There should be clarity on the meaning of understanding. Asking repeatedly, "Why am I doing this? What is my purpose of doing this? Does it take me a step ahead towards my purpose?"
A body without breath and action without Zeal is dead. The zeal, the enthusiasm, completes the thread of development. Encouragement and Appreciation are incomplete without the zeal. Zeal makes the things 100%. Zeal is the energy needed to reach any destination in life.
To summarise Love, Encouragement, Appreciation, Development and Zeal are the steps to take or focus to achieve anything in life.
Our Mission should be "do the Encouragement and Appreciation with Love and Zeal to let the people Develop and grow at their fullest, as every living being is gifted with a unique identity and virtue by the God."
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