On Tuesday, December 21 Categories:

I certainly have had my fair share of starting over, from jobs, to relationships, to finances, to moving, to working on a project, and even to the newsletters I write.

I used to become really stressed when things changed, especially over the ones that would impact my life. I would get myself so worked up thinking the worst was about to happen, as my experiences were leading me to believe it was always going to be that way, and out of my control to change.

Over time I began to explore my thoughts and started to look at things differently. I realized change is good and starting over can be even better!

Sometimes we are in situations where we don't have a choice but to begin again, and other times we do. Either way can create a sense of excitement, newness and adventure, or worry, stress and doubt.

When you finish reading a book of fiction, you don't go back to the beginning and read it again do you? No, most times you start a new one, perhaps by the same author, because you enjoy his or her writing, or a book someone suggested, or a new author all together.

Sometimes the novel you are about to read is one you won't be able to put down because it's so exciting, suspenseful, or magical. Other times you may decide not to finish reading it because you don't like it, or it takes you a long time to get through.

You never know how things are going to unfold when you turn the page in the book of life, but you can begin right now to look at starting over in a new way.

Just the words "new way" lend themselves to something bright and promising; something filled with greatness, possibilities, vibrancy, and perhaps even more in alignment with who you are, and where you are going in your life which is why it may be occurring in the first place.

Starting over has this wonderful way of leading us into the unknown and placing us in a space of trusting in something we can't see or explain, the greatest mystery of all.

Usually when we begin anew we are waking up parts of ourselves that were asleep, or that we took for granted, or ignored.

A great opportunity is being offered to you, not only in starting something new, but also what's being awakened in you. Some may refer to this awakening as the sleeping giant, or a spiritual awakening, or a divine guidance, or Infinite Intelligence, or the God within.

What's important is not what it's called, but rather what it's stirring within you, and how that inspires and promotes personal and spiritual learning, growth, and expansion.

I invite you to take a closer look at the words you are choosing when you are starting over, whether it be your choice or one made for you.

Is the language you're using negative or fearful, or is it positive, fearless, or hopeful?

When you find yourself worried or stressed, take a few deep breaths, relax, and listen to the inner wisdom, it's there.

If you were to take out a piece of paper and a pen, or your computer, and write the first page of this wonderful and exciting story that is about to unfold, what would you say?

You could write about anything and everything, allowing your imagination to really soar.

You might talk about the people you may meet, the places you might go, how you will decorate your new home or office, being able to do things you never thought you would do, taking the things you've learned and applying them to your new situation, and so on.

You can also choose to write about your worries, concerns, and doubts. Allow these feelings to fill your pages, but when you are done, read it out loud to yourself, and then re-write the story after taking some time to be with your misgivings.

Now, reshape your story with a sense of enthusiasm and joy, letting your worries turn into wonderment's like you are living the best dream ever. How would it be?

The possibilities are endless as to what your opening pages of this new book could be about. Whether you are starting a new chapter in your life or waking up to
the dawn of a new day, you can envision how things can be, and also be grateful for another opportunity to be all you can be.

Remember, the book is your life, and you are the writer; if you don't like the way it is being written, you can start again. Where will you begin?

You can use the insight technique to assist in seeing your role in the book of life.

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Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance.

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