Two tired? Ok, so I'm not as funny as I think I am but I do have some assistance for those days you just can seem to pull it together. When we are tired we do not function to the best of our ability but a few simple steps can get you back in the game. The first one is so simple that it is overlooked. One of the major contributors to daytime fatigue is dehydration. If you find yourself with a case of the yawns get up and drink a couple of small cups of water. Why not just one big cup? First of all drinking the water slowly helps it to be absorbed rather than just running straight through your system. Secondly it is more steps of activity and some of the energy boost will come from just getting up and moving around.
Following that theme would be stretching. According to Chinese medicine there is a pocket of reserve energy stored between the kidneys and the way to release it is to stretch you lower back. The way to accomplish this would be to sit on the floor with your legs together and stretch towards your toes several times. Whether or not you believe in the ancient Chinese secret is irrelevant. Standing up, getting down on the floor, stretching and getting up off of the floor is a lot of physical activity and by that alone can boost your energy level.
Have you ever seen someone doodling and think that they were not paying attention? Strangely enough the opposite is true, doodling helps us to maintain or regain focus. As a lifelong doodler myself I have always known that I can pay attention better if I doodle a bit. The doodling is a mindless activity but it stimulates the focus centers of the brain. So the next time you need to focus doodle a little and see how it works for you.
Snacks can be a two edged sword. Vitamin C helps decrease fatigue and the snacks that are rich in vitamin C such as oranges take some effort such as peeling or slicing. Remember the more physical activity the better. Chocolate also contains caffeine which can help a lot with fatigue and focus problems. The downside is that both of them contain a lot of sugar. A spike in your sugar level often will add energy but it will be followed quickly by a crash. The trick would be to have a single orange or a single square of chocolate rather than a fruit salad or a whole candy bar.
Finally if there is a way to engage someone in a conversation that can be a big boost. Especially if you can talk about something that gets you excited. Is there a project at work that is particularly exciting to you? I didn't think so but it was worth a shot. What about a favorite hobby or sports team? Do you have a coworker with a rival favorite team or a coworker that enjoys the same hobby as you? If you will look back there have probably been several times when you started a conversation saying "I'm worn out" and left the conversation excited. When the conversation centers of our brain are activated it stimulates our whole brain. A simple short conversation may help you be more productive.
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