Have you heard the talk about the world coming to an end in December 2012? Could it be that the idea of the 2012 prophecy was not that the world was coming to an end, but, was set to bring humans to a heightened level of awareness - thus the end of an era and the beginning of a new era? The 2012 prophecy was the Universe's plan to give humans a wake up call, thus, bringing humans into a more enlightened era.
Is this the perfect time for you to become more aware of who you are and what you are about? Is it the perfect time for you to complete something in your life?
Could the time leading to December 2012 be the perfect time to offer your Self opportunities to:
• Re-view your history and make changes.
• Re-evaluate your goals, including what is working in your life and what needs an overhaul.
• Re-spond to everything accordingly.
Is the prelude to 2012 a gift to Re-examine one's life? Maybe it is gift of time (a wake up call)-to reflect to make the changes of letting go of what is no longer relevant and a space of expansion to further develop what is working.
Is this the time to let go of lack and bring in long lasting prosperity? Have you run the Lack program long enough? Now is the perfect time to look at your life from a new objective perspective. Maybe you will be surprised and see that what you thought you were doing is better than you thought.
Since your life is Self-created, look at all the 'stuff' you created in your life. Review all aspects of your life. Let go of the 'stuff' that is not working. Let go of the prejudices you hold about your Self and others. Let go of wishing and start doing what you need to do to create the life you desire. Expand on and enhance what is working in your life. Focus on the positive. Let go of all negativity. Negativity produces more of the same - Negativity. Positive thoughts yield Positive effects. You can effect more positive affects.
This next year may be what your inner physician (your subconscious mind) prescribed for you. Inner physician heal thyself! What is your inner physician prescribing for you? You can write your new prescription. Your new prescription for the new direction in your life might read like this:
• Let go of negativity - Replace with positive thinking
• Let go of self-doubt - Replace with self-confidence
• Let go of judgment - Replace with understanding, compassion
• Let go of lack thoughts - Replace with a gratitude attitude
• Let go of fear thoughts - Replace with unconditional love and confidence
Because your hands are the extension of your heart, you hold your life in the palm of your hands. Your heart is the highest vibrational energy field. Scientists have measured and verified this frequency. Your female, left side, is your creativity, your right side, male, is your manifesting side, and your body through the clarity of your perfect Child Within is your powerful implementer.
Keep your heart in joy. Holding fear prevents your creative ability from flourishing. Fear is the highest vibrational field ingrained in your heart. However, fear carries you in a negative direction.
Self unconditional love is the natural vibration and frequency of your heart. As the extension of your heart, remember your hands have all the time in the world. Extend you Self into the world through your heart. Every moment is everything and all you have. Use every moment wisely.
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Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings. http://www.gen-assist.com
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