Vision is a paramount element in personal and business life. Leaders should not only be able to diagnose problems and offer solutions to present challenges but be the beacon of light as they cast vision for the future and communicate it so vividly to those that follow. Abraham got a word from the Lord to leave where he was to go to another place which God had in store for him. God further gave Abraham the vision of fathering many nations. This stretched Abraham to start believing what seemed impossible in the natural realm.
1. A vision must be tangible and easily communicated - When God communicated the vision to Abraham, it was done in vivid and real pictures of things that were familiar to Abraham. He made Abraham examine and sea shores as He told him that his children would have such large numbers. It made Abraham have a clearer picture of the vision. If you have a great vision and fail to communicate it, it will die a natural death. Vision must be clearly communicated so that others buy-in.
2. A vision must be bigger than the leader - Abraham had a wish like any other natural father to have someone who would take over after his death, an heir. If Abraham had gotten just one heir it would have fulfilled him. However God stretched and inflated the vision such that it now covered many nations. It was enlarged.
3. A vision connects with the leaders' convictions - Abraham had a deep conviction for family like any man would. He longed for an heir. When God gave him the vision there was a direct connection and correlation with his own internal convictions.
4. A vision carries an eternal value - The vision that Abraham had transcended generations. It was not a "now" vision but it was going to affect the destiny of many that would come after him. Leaders should be able to see into the future and spell out what it is they observe 50 or 100 years later. A vision that only talks of immediate issues should be renamed into a goal.
5. A vision includes others - A vision is not about one individual but a whole generation. A vision should impact communities and whole nations not just a specific person. A God inspired vision is usually not a selfish one but one that benefits multitudes. However, there are personal visions which speak of a person's future plans which may have nothing to do with the next person.
6. A vision connects with the leader's identity - God gave Abraham a vision that was a perfect match for him and Sarah. This was a barren couple getting the best news ever that they would soon be parents not only of one child but out of this would come many nations. What a joy. The vision really connected with the couple's identity and situation.
7. A vision starts with God's priorities - When we examine the vision that Abraham got, it did not start with Abraham but it was God inspired, God initiated. A majority of God inspired visions usually come to fruition as God gives the vessel the sustenance and strategy to roll out the vision. Visions we create for ourselves sometimes fail the test of time and endurance as energy and determination run out.
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Rabison Shumba is a writer, businessman and philanthropist. Writer of the book The Greatness Manual which you can preview on Founder and CEO of Infotech Solutions and Greatness Factory Trust. Rabison speaks about success, leadership, motivation and inspiration. Rabison is well traveled having been to Asia, America, United Kingdom and all over Africa. He is married to Jacqueline Edwards and they have two children. They reside in Harare, Zimbabwe, Southern Africa.
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