I know several webmasters who was being spoken by their clients through an open online forums, When I asked what mistakes they did that made them angry, they told me because the webmasters did not finish the projects on time and made some delays.
Then I asked those webmasters which are still friends of mine, what makes them unable to complete the project on time, simply they told me that they are not in the mood to do the project. They had bad mood, they said. Oh my God...
Whatever profession you do, you should undertake it with great sincerity of heart, be a professional. If you promise a project will be finished within 2 weeks, finish it in 2 weeks, even better try to finish it before 2 weeks. Do not disappoint your clients, do not give them too much promises, do as your responsibility. If your clients are happy to work with you, later they will help you to promote your services.
Being a professional webmaster you should be able to cope with mood. if you still wants to follow the mood then do not take the job is your mood is bad. Take the job if your mood is good only, but do not forget that your income will depend on the mood too.
Therefore it is good for you to have such a philosophy; what you plant is what will you harvest. if you want a big income, then you should work hard. Hard work that is the key, no matter how lucky you are if you do not work hard then good luck will pass by.
Keep the spirit, and keep up the good work!
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