When you think of that next step for yourself in your life or career/business how often do you say to yourself, "I just wish I could figure this out!"? Do you ask this question and then launch into a bunch of mental gymnastics of working really hard to find an answer? If so, you?re not alone... I hear it all the time from people in my classes and often from people when they first come to me for coaching.
How does this habit, this energy of trying to figure it all out leave you feeling? Perhaps you feel:
* Struggle (I?m going to figure this out if it kills me dammit!)
* Frustration (Argh! I can?t quite get it!)
* Self-doubt, like there?s something wrong with you (Why can?t I figure this out?!)
* Irritation and aggravation (When AM I going to figure this out ALREADY!?)
* Defeat (Oh for goodness sake this is too hard, I should just settle for what I have.)
Any of this sound familiar?
I know I can relate... I spent YEARS trying to figure it all out. I tried to tackle my life like a problem to be solved or a journey to be endured. I read the books, I took the classes, I followed the expert?s advice, and I took the assessments. Only to realize I was back where I started...with me, myself, and I. At that point it didn?t feel like very fine company at all!
Then through the experience of some awesome transformational work and coaching I realized that this wasn?t a problem to be solved at all. Discovering who I wanted to be when I grew up wasn?t about a job, an industry, or any particular thing I might "do" at all. It had to do with uncovering, embracing, and expressing the full, no holds barred, authentic ME. Once that happened, even while I was still in my old career and building toward something new, everything changed.
So you see it isn?t about trying to solve your life like a math problem. The answers lie when you make the shift from struggle and problem solving to becoming an adventurer in your own life - your inner world as well as your outer experiences. Finding out what you?re meant to be doing personally and professionally starts with exploring and discovering the roadmap back to YOU. The uniqueness that is inexplicably and genuinely you (and only you, no one else!).
It is impossible to arrive at this knowing, this clarity if you?re trying to wrestle your mind to the ground "figuring it all out". You need to let go of the struggle (even if that feels scary!) and lean into uncovering what is already within you. You don?t need to "find" yourself; you just need to reignite the person who already knows.
When you make this quantum shift from trying to figure out what you should be doing to relaxing into the person you most want to be in this lifetime, possibilities open up. Clarity rains down on you like a summer thunderstorm. The "doing" takes care of itself...
Discovering your next career or life direction (or perhaps just tweaking the one you have so it fuels instead of exhausts you) is a path that it so much easier and quicker to walk with a guide. You can try to figure it out for years or decades like I did, or you can grab yourself a trusted guide who knows the way, like an adventure guide on a trail in the backcountry. Because that is what this is for you right? Unchartered waters? An unwalked path?
So I want you to be honest with yourself...take a few minutes to get quiet and ask yourself - am I struggling and trying to figure this all out for myself like a big old math problem? How is this serving me? How much progress am I making? How am I feeling about this? Write down what comes to you right away...just let your pen flow. And be honest with yourself...
If you don?t like what you?re uncovering, make a choice, make a commitment to yourself right here, right now, to do something different. Take a new approach. To activate the energy of this new approach, I invite you to choose 1 thing that inspires you or gives you energy. Then go do that -- just go out and feel what it feels like to be juiced up and alive.
Notice a difference from the frustration of trying to figure it all out?
This is a possibility, a way of uncovering this next step for you that is available to you. You don?t have to stay stuck, you don?t have to struggle. You can explore and play your way back to the you that you want to be in the first place!
Are ready to drop the struggle and frustration and choose to do things differently? Wouldn?t you rather go on a treasure hunt to your best life rather than try and wrestle some made-up-in-your-head solution to the ground? If so, apply for a complimentary Breakthrough Acceleration Meeting at http://www.thepaulagcompany.com/application and connect with a trusted guide that can help you create the best next step for you.
Becoming Successful Is Easy and Making Money is Even Easier. Click Here Now to find out more.
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Paula Gregorowicz, owner Paula G Web Design, knows what it takes to build websites that get results. Using her signature down to earth and "plain English" approach, she works with business owners and authors to create an online presence that is a true reflection of who you are and what you are all about. If you're ready for a website or blog that integrates with all your marketing efforts to enables your success, Download the free website planning guide at: www.paulagwebdesign.com
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