On Sunday, December 5 Categories:

"Be yourself; everyone else is taken." - Oscar Wilde

In this world we live in, I walk out the door trying to be myself. When we interact with people either verbally, physically, or via eye contact, we may be passing a message that gets interpreted differently from others. It is very difficult to have no judgment at all with the people that crosses your path. Our vision tends to get blurred and are not able to see things as clearly as we would like through our own eyes.

It is at this point that we need to remind ourselves to release judgment and to not allow others to effect us in any way. We all come from a diverse background and upbringing. With this understanding, we should try to allow any judgments to pass through us.

It is when we truly understand ourselves, that the outside world would not have such an effect or impact on us. When we allow ourselves to not be distracted with the hustle and bustle, and allow quiet time to be spent alone, it is then that we will have a better understanding of who we are and our inner capabilities.

We are all living our own paths. As long as our vision is not blurred by external influences, we will be able to choose the way we would like to live.

My judger comes to play when I start to question what is wrong with me. Why can't I be like so and so. Why am I here and not there. Why is it that so and so has this and I have that. Once these voices come to play, I try to reduce the volume and remind myself. Do you know what, there's really nothing wrong with you. You are great just the way you are. You are unique, resourceful, and whole. Your strengths lies within you. Yes, there are skill sets you may need to work on and improve. Yes, there are things you could learn. Yes, there is always room for improvement. But just remember, you are you. There's no one else like you, so there's really nothing to compare with.

Once the learner mindset come to play, I realize that there's truth in this statement. You are who you are. Not more, not less.

Something to keep in mind as you go along with your busy day.

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Queenie Tran writes at Believe in YOU ( http://qtsoulsearching.wordpress.com/ ) and has a passion in sharing thoughts and different perspectives on self-development.

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